Trading & Distribution
The price of gas for households and heating plants, maintained for another six months
Households and gas fired-heat plants and cogeneration plants that produce heat for households will continue to buy gas at the…
Challenges in the energy market are opportunities for investors (Tradeville)
At global level, the energy sector is under pressure: the discovery and exploitation of shale gas, schemes to encourage the…
Micro-CHP – best practices to encourage investments (Gh. Țucu, Valeg Creative Solutions)
Currently, the micro-CHP systems benefit from solid support in Europe, while in the U.S. they are developed taking advantage of…
The battle for margins is close to an end (Dan Apetrei, Elsaco Energy)
The balancing market is a necessity, but also an opportunity for electricity producers, suppliers or users. The central part of…
Legislative changes should relate only to future investment (Oana Mogoi, BCR)
Being the largest bank in the Romanian banking system, BCR is a powerful partner that supports the development of Romanian…
Martin Zmelik: CEZ Romania shifts focus on energy efficiency
The current situation in the Romanian electricity market seems to be a rather turbulent one – in trends, in markets,…
Belgium to create an artificial island for energy storage next year
###author### Belgium will decide early next year whether to build a ring-shaped island off its coast to store wind energy,…
Additional energy taxes, collected for an extra year
Additional taxes imposed on energy companies from early 2013, which were due to expire at the end of this year,…
Energiewende: Germany’s transition to 100% green energy
###author### Germany has decided to eliminate a large part of classical electricity generation sources – 80 or even 100% –…