The hand-dug oil wells are the birth of Romanian oil industry
Author: Marius Furcuța The hand-dug wells in Romania are highly interesting relics of a period which is now relegated to…
M. Mitroi (Prospecțiuni SA): All Effects Disappear After the Exploration Ends, the Land Is Left As It Was
Prospecțiuni SA continues soil exploration activities in Sibiu County, for the discovery of new reserves of conventional hydrocarbons. Operations occur…
The unequal energy partnership estranges Russia and Ukraine
Ukrainian Prime Minister said Friday that an unequal energy partnership between Russia and the Ukraine is driving the two former…
Wintershall Pushes for Shale Gas Legislation in Germany
German supplier and explorer Wintershall Holding restated its endorsement to shale gas, claiming that it could have positive consequences on…
Mineral Resources’ Exploitation Might Impede Romania’s Development
###author### The countries that are resource-rich like OPEC cartel member states, Russia, Nigeria, etc., failed to create diversified economies and…
Conpet Enters BSE’s First Category to Finance Its Pitesti-Pancevo Pipeline
For the shareholders of Conpet, the company’s listing on the first tier of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) is a…
Crude dips; Syria debate provides a floor
Brent crude held above $115 a barrel on Wednesday as U.S. lawmakers’ support for military action against Syria revived concerns…