Processing and The Money Channel launched the daily news programme “The Energy Minute”
From oil to alternative energy and from energy production to consumer prices, we gather a whole industry in ony one…
Energy market liberalization attracts the big global energy traders
More and more the big international energy traders are looking to benefit from Romania’s emergence as a natural gas exporter…
AmCham and FIC ask for less fiscal pressure on oil companies
The American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AmCham Romania) and Foreign Investors’ Council (FIC) have analyzed and advanced to the…
Rompetrol spends millions of dollars to facelift its gas-stations. It started from Otopeni.
The Rompetrol Group, through the local retail division Rompetrol Downstream, launches today a new concept of gas-filling stations, following the…
The unequal energy partnership estranges Russia and Ukraine
Ukrainian Prime Minister said Friday that an unequal energy partnership between Russia and the Ukraine is driving the two former…