CEZ feeds its #energiepentrubine network, actively engaging in the fight against COVID-19, with donations of medical equipment and food to support the most vulnerable categories of people (medical staff in hospitals and the elderly) in Caraş-Severin, Constanţa , Arges, Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinti, Olt, Teleorman and Valcea counties.
The Romanian Red Cross, Unifarm, the Craiova County Emergency Clinical Hospital and the Târgu Jiu County Emergency Clinical Hospital are the entities that will be supported by the CEZ Group in Romania.
The 795,152 lei donated by CEZ will be transformed into basic foodstuffs for the elderly in Oltenia and partly in Muntenia, through the collaboration with the Red Cross, at the branches of Argeș, Gorj, Dolj, Mehedinți, Vâlcea, Olt and Teleorman, protective equipment for medical personnel from all those 9 counties in which the company operates, in partnership with Unifarm, the purchase of protective equipment, sanitary products and the refurbishment of medical instruments, for the benefit of the patients of the Emergency County Clinical Hospital in Craiova and the purchase of a COVID-19 testing device and of some test sets for Târgu Jiu County Emergency Hospital.
“The community has always been at the center of our work and in this period, more than ever, we want to offer our support. We remain equally involved and responsible for the energy supply, production and distribution structures we operate, that create not only an operational network but also one of energy for good (#energiepentrubine). We are pleased to be able to provide from our energy to the community, partners, clients and colleagues who demonstrate daily that energy comes form people (#energiavinedelaoameni),” stated Ondrej Safar, CEZ Romania Country Manager.