Chimcomplex announced that it has signed the financing contract for the 690 million lei project “High-efficiency, flexible gas cogeneration in the district heating sector of Rm. Vâlcea,” financed from European sources in a ratio of about 60%.
Thus, the company has informed us that it has signed the financing contract and is in the process of implementing the second stage for the project “High-efficiency gas cogeneration, flexible, in the centralized heating sector Rm. Vâlcea” co-financed, through the National Plan of Recovery and Resilience Pillar I. Green transition – Component C6 Energy Investment measure 3 – The development of flexible and high-efficiency gas production capacities for the cogeneration of electricity and thermal energy (CHP) in the district heating sector, in order to achieve a deep decarbonizations.
The project aims to build a high-efficiency cogeneration plant to serve the municipality of Râmnicu Vâlcea starting in 2026. The total value of the project is approximately 689.4 million lei, of which the maximum non-refundable eligible value is 405 million lei.
The project will be completed in the town of Râmnicu Vâlcea by 2025.
The objectives of the project are to reduce greenhouse gases by 84,468 tCO2/year in the municipality of Râmnicu Vâlcea, to increase the installed capacity in high-efficiency cogeneration by 108 MW and to reduce the annual consumption of primary energy by 418,105 MWh, by achieving a capacity of gas production of 108 MW, flexible and highly efficient, for the cogeneration of electricity and thermal energy (CHP) for the supply of thermal energy to the inhabitants of Râmnicu-Vâlcea in a period of 36 months from the signing of the financing contract.
“The proposed project contributes positively to mitigating the challenges faced by Romania in the transition from coal and lignite-based energy sources, specifically, ensuring the supply of thermal energy to the municipality of Rm. Vâlcea, in conditions of competitive energy efficiency at the European level,” company officials also said.