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Chirițoiu: CE Oltenia will renegotiate the restructuring plan with the European Commission

27 May 2024
General Interest

The Oltenia Energy Complex wants a renegotiation of its restructuring plan with the European Commission, stated the president of the Competition Council, Bogdan Chirițoiu.

Also, Chirițoiu pointed out, regarding the Jiu Valley, the European Commission wants the Romanian authorities to respect the decisions it has taken.

“Too little coal is extracted from Jiu Valley, so little that Paroşeni Central cannot work uninterrupted (…). More precisely, what is taken out of Jiu Valley now does not cover Paroşeni’s operation. So, there is no large amount of energy, there is no distortion of the market or anything. Good, the Commission wants us to respect the decisions made, I am convinced that we will respect them, but, again, I do not see it as a big emergency. I am more concerned about the plan of restructuring from Oltenia. Oltenia is much more important for the energy system than Paroseni – Valea Jiului. We also have the problem that the Chinese have withdrawn. The European Commission has investigated Chinese companies that wanted to participate to investments in photovoltaics in Oltenia. Anyway, Oltenia had delays in the restructuring plan, so they want it to be renegotiated with the European Commission. In terms of economic impact, it seems to me that what is at SNLO is more important,” said the head of the competition authority.

He assured that the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) “is going well in the area of state aid” and there are no delays in this regard.

“You know that we work a lot on state aid. Things look better than usual, that is, PNRR is doing well in the area of state aid, there are no delays. What do we have to do there? Let’s make sure that the projects in PNRR respect the rules of State aid. That, if you want a precondition, so that the various investments, allocations of funds, etc. can be made. So, our part is going well, we have no delays in this area of state aid. We are starting and working on the new funds of cohesion, so on the new budget, and here things are on schedule so far. Important cases in Brussels: CFR Marfă, which I do not see as urgent, because, I repeat, compared to TAROM, where we were afraid that if no help is coming, we are left without TAROM, here CFR Marfă is working, it is in operational profit, it is ok. It is an important topic, we have to solve it, because the European Commission does not allow us not to implement their decision, but it is not something we let’s hurry up, it’s not something we really want to do, although it’s a good time and it would be good to solve the problem, because who knows how things will evolve in the future. So, I would also like to resolve the CFR Marfă file, but I do not see it, I repeat, as serious as TAROM was where I was afraid that we would have nothing left to save at a given moment, if we do not get the Commission’s decision. With CFR Marfă we are not in the same risk situation,” Chirițoiu said, according to Agerpres.

According to him, in the next period, the Competition Council will work a lot on nuclear field, because the notification of state aid for the construction of Reactors 3 and 4 is starting. Also, the refurbishment of Unit 1 is being discussed.

“These are currently being prepared. I don’t know what is happening with the small reactors, the SMRs. Those are the second priority. Priority 1 now is the construction of Reactors 3 and 4 and the repairs to 1, with the same consortium. We are going for the technology CANDU, together with the American partner,” added the President of the Competition Council.




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