Acasă » Renewables » Climarol Prest will produce high-efficiency energy from biomass

Climarol Prest will produce high-efficiency energy from biomass

22 November 2021

The company Climarol from Oradea, in collaboration with the University of Oradea, will implement a project with European funding to obtain high-efficiency energy from biomass. Twigs, willows, grass, residues from vine pruning, residues from sunflower crops, beet crops, corn are some of the raw materials that could be used for energy purposes.

“We intend to identify those renewable energy sources specific to Romania and use them,” Rencsik Otto, project manager, told Transilvania Business. The objective for the 29 months’ time project is the development of an innovative system for capitalizing on biomass energy, by creating a system that fully responds to the challenges posed by the combustion of these renewable fuels. Within the project, the initial investment necessary for the production of the innovative system will be made, which consists in equipping a space (part of the production hall currently owned by the company in Sărmășag).

The total value of the project is 19.3 million lei, of which the non-reimbursable financial assistance from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is 10.9 million lei, and the contribution from the state budget is 1.9 million lei

“We wrote this project in 2018, but due to lack of funds, we have only just been approved,” said Rencsik Otto. “The idea is to get to a more balanced area in terms of carbon dioxide emissions, to use something that until now was thrown away, not used.”

Three major activities will be carried out within the project. One of these activities includes industrial research, experimental development (in partnership with the University of Oradea), process and organizational innovation activities. Another activity will create an efficient and innovative production flow for the realization in optimal conditions of the proposed product by elaborating the production plans and making an initial investment by purchasing equipment, endowments and intangible assets.

The third activity involves the elaboration of two detailed research reports on industrial research and experimental development activities, to disseminate the results of these activities. These reports will be the result of effective collaboration between project partners who will exchange knowledge and technologies to achieve the innovative product.


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