Carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels have fallen significantly in 2020, by 10% in the European Union compared to the previous year, the lowest decline being in Malta, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania and Romania, according to preliminary data released by the European Statistical Office (Eurostat).
Eurostat points out that in 2020 EU Member States have introduced measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Fossil fuels are mainly oil and petroleum products, coal, peat and natural gas.
According to Eurostat estimates, emissions will decrease in 2020 in all EU Member States, with the most significant decline being in Greece (minus 18.7%), Estonia (minus 18.1%), Luxembourg (minus 17.9%), Spain (minus 16.2%) and Denmark (minus 14.8%). The lowest decline was in Malta (minus 1%), Hungary (minus 1.7%), Ireland and Lithuania (both with minus 2.6%) and Romania (minus 4.2%), according to Agerpres.
In 2020, there has been a decrease in the consumption of fossil fuels, especially coal, in all EU Member States. Consumption of oil and petroleum products has also fallen in almost all member states of the bloc. Gas consumption has decreased in only 15 Member States, while it increased or remained at the same level in another 12. By contrast, the share of renewable energy in electricity generation has increased considerably.