
ETI Romania

Today we can offer 90% of the necessary components (electrical equipment) for accomplishing a project. Thereby, we offer high quality products (made in EU) at good prices for any electrician or…


Euro Building established in 2002 with private capital, is a company specializing in building and civil engineering, with the option of design work. We have qualified staff, both specialists and hold…


EUROCONSULT & CONSTRUCT TRADING is a commercial company based in Bucharest, specialized in consulting civil, industrial and agricultural. Our company offers consultancy and project management.


Europroiect SRL has existed for over 10 years on the market, while it managed to impose the local leader in the field of industrial design. Company's success consists in the professionalism and…

EximAsig Romania

Exim Romania Insurance Reinsurance (EximAsig) was established as a professional entity, specialized in providing financial risks insurance for both export and internal business operations. EximAsig…

Expert Petroleum

Expert Petroleum, petroleum company, started its operations in 2005 in Romania by redeveloping abandoned mature Oil and Gas fields. In 2012 Expert Petroleum was awarded a 15 years Production…

Expert Proiect 2002

Expert Project 2002 was founded in early 2003 by two young engineers decided to impose a new mentality in terms of design quality assurance services in the field of transport infrastructure.

Expert Serv

The main activity - Engineering activities and related technical consultancy. During 1994 - 2010, comprising experts with experience in the oil and modern logistics (performance computers, specialized…

Exploatarea Minieră Harghita

Harghita mining and processing operation aims Voslobeni dolomite deposits, Delnita and deposits of andesite to Sancraieni, the sole producer of dolomitic limestone filler in Romania, the main…


Explocarb mining company, has the field of activity is the extraction of coal lower.


Expolig company, is principally engaged in coal mining below.

ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Romania

We are the world's largest publicly traded international oil and gas company, providing energy that helps underpin growing economies and improve living standards around the world. We've been a leader…

F&R Worldwide

F&R Worldwide was established in November 2005 and is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania. Our parent company, Froehling & Robertson, Inc., based in Richmond, Virginia, has provided outstanding…


With exceptional technical facilities of complex processing department, the Department of welded assemblies, Machining Department, Department of forging and Department of locomotives Assembling…


S.C. FEPA S.A. Barlad, Romania, a totally private capital company - 7.000.000 euro, total area - 68.808 mp, manufacturing area - 14.357 mp, employees - 480, is one of the most efficient companies…

Ferrostaal Christof Romania

Ferrostaal is a global provider of industrial services in plant construction and engineering. As a technology-independent system integrator our business is focused around strong core business units in…

First Reserve Corporation

First Reserve is a premier global energy-focused private equity and infrastructure investment firm, entering the shareholder Amromco Energy Romania, with $23.1 billion of raised capital since the…