Auchan Romania integrates sustainability into business strategy
Auchan Romania demonstrates that sustainability is not just a concept, but a central pillar of its business strategy. Through its…
Turnover: 0 mil. lei
Profit: -17.15 mil. lei
Employees: 1
Dorini-Giovanni Doriani - General Director
Lenuta Pistea - CFO
SC AMGAZ S.A. was established on August the 14th 2003. S.C. AMGAZ S.A. is a Romanian legal entity registered as a closed-type corporation in accordance with the Romanian laws and regulations governing the commercial field. Since the company's establishment, the underground storage activity materialized in the conclusion of the concession agreement for the exploitation perimeter "Nades-Prod-Seleus Sm. VII", for 25 years, obtaining the establishment and exploitation authorizations for the surface installations as well as the licence for natural gas storage and most important the initiation of several projects meant to asses, develop and exploit the full potential of the underground natural gas storage site at Nades.