Bogdan Tudorache
The Competition Council has announced that it is sending in public debate the proposals of commitments formulated by OMV Petrom Marketing in order to remove the competitive concerns identified in the context of taking over eight fuel distribution stations from ART Petrol company. To take over the eight stations, Petrom has to sell another four.
The eight distribution stations are located in Bucharest and in Ilfov, Ialomița, Dâmbovița, Teleorman, Giurgiu and Argeș counties.
“Following the analysis of the effects of this transaction, the competition authority found that the operation can lead to the consolidation of a dominant position in the retail fuel market, in four of the eight local markets analyzed, respectively: Bucharest, Slobozia (Ialomița County), Potlogi (Dâmbovița County), Alexandria (Teleorman County). The commitments proposed by OMV Petrom Marketing, in order to eliminate the concerns of the Competition Council regarding the reduction of the consumers’ choice possibilities, consist of the sale of four fuel distribution stations, together with the assets that contribute to their current functioning: at present, three are operated by Art Petrol (SDC Slobozia, SDC Potlogi, SDC Vasile Lascăr from Bucharest) and one by OMV Petrom Marketing, in the city of Alexandria (SDC Petrom 2 Alexandria),” says the institution.
Also, OMV Petrom Marketing has committed that, for a period of ten years, it will not take control over the activity of any fuel distribution station subject to this sale.