Acasă » Oil&Gas » Processing » Corneliu Cernev, Oltchim union leader: The Government wants a takeover of Arpechim refinery this March

Corneliu Cernev, Oltchim union leader: The Government wants a takeover of Arpechim refinery this March

3 March 2014

Oltchim’s Victoria union leader, Corneliu Cernev, told Agerpres that the government wants to take over Arpechim Pitești refinery by a normative act to be given in March.

“Just today (Friday) I had a discussion about Oltchim with the new Minister of Economy, Mr. Niță. […] The Government intends to take Arpechim Pitești refinery from OMV with the help of a law. Everything to address the privatization of Oltchim in an integrated regime with the refinery in Pitești.”

Oltchim administrator, attorney Gheorghe Piperea, said in January that Arpechim could be nationalized by purchase at a price of 1 euro, following an agreement between the Romanian government and Petrom, but the state will have to take environmental investments worth 200 million euros.

The union leader said after the meeting with the Economy Minister that some changes in Oltchim organizational and structural features are also on the way. “It’s been discussed with the Minister the current organizational chart of the plant, quite bushy, being no more than 21 directors. In April, the organization will be more airy, some departments and offices will merge, etc.”, said the union leader for Agerpres.

Corneliu Cernev said the Acting Minister of Economy proposes the operation of Oltchim and Govora Thermoelectric Plant (CET Govora) under a unified umbrela. “Mr. Niță has advanced the following hypothesis, in which Oltchim and CET Govora would operate in a complex, as one company, to reduce the price of power significantly“, the unionist said.


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