Acasă » Electricity » Delgaz Grid announces investments of 154 mln. euro in 2024, after last year’s record figure of 177 mln. euro

Delgaz Grid announces investments of 154 mln. euro in 2024, after last year’s record figure of 177 mln. euro

16 May 2024

Delgaz Grid, part of the E.ON Romania group, last year made the largest investments in the last 18 years in the natural gas and electricity distribution networks, exceeding 874 million lei (around 177 million euros), supported by own sources and attracted European funds – 31% higher than the previous year.

About 419 million lei (about 85 million euros) were invested in the distribution of natural gas, being modernized over 250 km of pipelines and gas connections. The distribution network was extended by 417 km, connecting almost 40,000 new consumers. At the same time, in partnership with the local authorities, 14 natural gas distributions were established, over a length of 110 km, in localities in the counties of Iași, Bacău, Satu Mare, Suceava, Botoșani, Cluj and Harghita.

Seven natural gas regulation-measurement stations were modernized in the counties of Sibiu, Suceava, Bacău, Satu Mare and Bihor, which led to the improvement of the quality of the distribution service.

Also last year, the 20HyGrid pilot project was carried out and successfully completed, a first in Romania, through which it was demonstrated that the current natural gas networks, utility installations and customers’ appliances are technically ready to transport and use the mixture of 20% hydrogen and 80% natural gas.

On the electricity side, investments of about 455 million lei (almost 92 million euros) were made. The network was modernized over a length of over 1,920 km, and the connections made totaled 65 km. At the same time, around 190 remote-controlled equipment (separators and reclosers) were installed in the medium voltage overhead networks. The network was extended by 203 km and approximately 250 km of connections were made, connecting more than 18,000 new consumers.

In the urban area, a number of 33 transformer stations were modernized and integrated into SCADA. Modernization works were carried out in 39 transformer stations, 86 new transformer stations were built, and 337 were modernized.

As a result of year-on-year investments, the main performance indicators of the distribution service, SAIDI and SAIFI, have been significantly improved over the last 10 years. Thus, SAIDI (indicator related to the duration of interruptions) decreased 6 times, reaching 67.9 minutes in 2023 from 410.24 minutes in 2014, and SAIFI (indicator related to the number of interruptions) decreased 7.2 times, reaching 0.83 last year from 5.98 in 2014.

Investments of 154 million euros in 2024

The company intends to invest 788 million lei this year (almost 154 million euros), from its own sources and attracted sources – EU funds. Additionally, works worth approximately 61 million lei (12 million euros) will be executed for the expansion of networks and new connections.

For the Natural Gas segment, investments of 365 million lei (71 million euros) are planned. Natural gas pipelines and connections will be modernized over a length of 326 km. At the same time, to improve the quality of the service, 11 regulation-measurement stations will be modernized. In collaboration with the local authorities, 18 natural gas distribution points will be established in the counties: Harghita, Sibiu, Botoșani, Bacău, Cluj, Iași, Suceava and Satu Mare. Expanding the natural gas distribution system and connecting new consumers is another priority.

Investments of 423 million lei (82.4 million euros) are scheduled for the Electricity segment, of which 99 million lei (19.2 million euros) represent EU funds. The investments aim at the continuation of the SCADA implementation and the automation of the distribution system, SMART metering, the modernization of overhead networks, stations and transformer stations, the expansion of the distribution network for the connection of new consumers, as well as the fulfillment of the requirements of the performance standard. Also this year, the company will modernize around 1,626 km of network and install 118 remote-controlled equipment (separators and reclosers).

Projects with attracted funds (European Funds and the Modernization Fund) – At this moment, projects worth 233 million euros (of which more than 180 million euros from European funds) have been completed and are being implemented. Also, projects are submitted for financing/in the analysis stage in the amount of 536 million euros (of which 420 million euros are European funds).

Smart metering – at the end of 2023, smart meters were installed at around 435,000 consumers. For the current year, we plan to install about 71,500 meters, and by 2028 we have proposed that 47% of customers benefit from smart metering.





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