E.ON Energie Romania has completed, in the last four years, the installation of public lighting systems with high energy performance, based on LED technology, in 44 localities in seven counties, offering solutions designed to meet the specific needs of each locality. Four other projects for as many localities are being completed.
In the context of the increase in energy prices and the pressure exerted on local budgets, one of the solutions recommended by E.ON to reduce bills is the efficiency of public lighting systems, whose share in the energy bill of a locality can reach approximately 50%. The savings achieved can be up to 60% of energy consumption with public lighting compared to old lighting systems, and the benefits are long-term.
Within the projects implemented by E.ON up to now, a total of approximately 4,250 modern lighting fixtures have been installed. Some projects, according to the requirements of the beneficiaries, also entailed expansion of the systems, as well as the implementation of intelligent telemanagement systems, which ensure additional reductions in consumption.
For example, in the Costești commune in Vaslui county, as part of a partnership with the mayor’s office, 300 old outdoor lighting fixtures were replaced, which brought a 57% saving on the public lighting bill of the six localities belonging to it.
In Ususău commune in Arad county, which also has five localities, a project was carried out through which 426 new outdoor lighting fixtures were installed, the resulting economy being 47% of the localities’ energy consumption for street lighting.
The interior lighting of public buildings also has a significant energy efficiency potential for town halls. In Zabrani, Arad county, the E.ON company replaced all 391 old lighting fixtures, the resulting economy being 53%.
Other benefits brought by public lighting systems with LED technology are: reduction of operational and maintenance costs, lamps with longer service life, reliable, durable lighting fixtures with high protection against environmental factors, improvement of light quality, reduced impact on environment and, at the same time, reducing carbon emissions.