Acasă » Renewables » solar » E.ON completes a new solar plant in Maramureș and announces the connection of 1 mln. plants globally

E.ON completes a new solar plant in Maramureș and announces the connection of 1 mln. plants globally

13 October 2023

E.ON Energie Romania has announced the completion of the construction and installation of a photovoltaic energy generation system for the Printmasters company, from Maramureş county, as part of a partnership concluded this year, the investment value being almost 500,000 euros.

“Over 1,000 photovoltaic modules have been installed on one of the production halls in the town of Cicârlău (Maramureş county), and, through this system, Printmasters will annually produce 543 MWh, which is equivalent to 36% of the electricity needed for its own consumption” , it is mentioned in a press release from E.ON Energie Romania.

At the same time, E.ON, Germany’s largest distribution operator, announced the connection of the 1 millionth renewable energy plant to its distribution system and marks an anniversary moment of the energy transition. The commissioned wind turbine is located in Biesenthal (Brandenburg) and will supply 6.8 megawatts (MW) of installed capacity in the network of E.ON subsidiary E.DIS in the future. E.ON’s Network Director Thomas König symbolically connected the wind turbine to the grid together with Klaus Müller, President of the Federal Network Agency, plant operator Jan Teut and other business and political participants.

König said: “One million renewable energy plants – what an important milestone for the energy transition! But the plant inaugurated in Brandenburg is only the beginning. For the energy transition to be successful, we need to integrate 2030 million independent producers into the energy system. This mammoth task will require a joint effort from all stakeholders.”

The connected wind turbine is a symbol of the energy transition: while in the past a few large power plants powered households and companies, in the future millions of independent solar and wind power plants will generate power. At least 90% of these decentralized plants will be connected to the distribution network. For distribution system operators such as E.ON, this means both growth opportunities and challenges: in 2022, the number of requests to connect to E.ON’s German grid doubled compared to the previous year. By 2030, this number could quadruple to 900,000 new installations being connected annually. In line with the German government’s climate policy goals, this would require the connection of six million new renewable energy systems and independent consumers by 2030, including at least 2.9 million photovoltaic systems, 1.9 million new charging points for electric vehicles, 1 million heat pumps and 2,000 new wind farms. In total, this would mean 85 new installations connected every hour.

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