Acasă » General Interest » Environment » E.ON: Half of Romanians would like to purchase heat pumps

E.ON: Half of Romanians would like to purchase heat pumps

23 July 2024

Although the heat pump market is at an early stage in Romania, more than 50% of Romanians would consider purchasing such equipment in the next year if they had the necessary financing and if the state granted subsidies. This is one of the conclusions of a sociological research carried out for the platform, a project supported by the companies Delgaz Grid and E.ON.

Of the respondents, almost 74% state that they have little or no information about the usefulness of heat pumps in households. At the same time, 45% declare that they did not know that heat pumps can be used both for heating the home during the cold season and for cooling in the summer.

The main reason why Romanians would purchase a heat pump is energy efficiency, i.e. the reduction of energy costs. When asked about the reasons why they would purchase a heat pump, more than 90% of respondents indicate the reduction of utility costs (energy efficiency) and about the same number of double functions of these equipments, heating and cooling homes. Environmental benefits are also at the top of the purchase reasons for 84% of respondents. Heat pumps are seen as an alternative solution by 32% of respondents who live in areas where there is no heating system or natural gas.

Too high a price is considered the main impediment in the purchase of a heat pump for 40% of the respondents, to the same extent as the lack of information. The rest of those interviewed (almost 20%) say that the lack of subsidies, according to the Casa Verde model, is a serious reason that stands in the way of purchasing a heat pump.

Excluding costs and considering the dual function of a heat pump, heating and cooling, 35% of respondents would consider purchasing such a device, 47% are undecided and 18% are not interested.

If they were to buy a heat pump, almost 50% of respondents say they would go to a specialist shop, over 9% would look at the offers of energy suppliers, and 41% say they do not have a clear option and that they need to inform themselves beforehand.




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