Electrica Group has acquired three project companies that are developing a portfolio totaling 207MW of renewable energy, consisting of two photovoltaic parks in the Satu Mare area and a wind farm in the Dobrogea area, from Monsson.
“Today, contracts for the sale and purchase of shares were signed with Monsson in three project companies that are developing a portfolio totaling 207MW of renewable energy, consisting of two photovoltaic parks in the Satu Mare area and a wind farm in the Dobrogea area. In this transaction, Electrica was assisted by a team of consultants from the law firm Țuca, Zbârcea & Asociații together with Ernst&Young, while Monsson was assisted by Berechet Rusu Hiriț,” say the company’s officials.
“The ambitious environmental goals of the European Environment Pact can be achieved through a sustained effort by industry players. The acquisition of the 3 projects comes to reconfirm the commitment of the Electrica Group towards the development of the electricity generation sector from renewable resources, representing, at the same time, an important step towards the implementation of the Group’s general growth strategy,” said Corina Popescu, general manager, Electrica.
“We are happy to participate together with Electrica in writing a file on the recent history of renewable energy in Romania,” added Sebastian Enache, business development manager, Monsson.