Acasă » Electricity » Enel X Romania completed in 2022 public lighting projects that save 1,300MWh annually

Enel X Romania completed in 2022 public lighting projects that save 1,300MWh annually

17 January 2023

Enel X România, part of Enel X Global Retail, the advanced energy services division of the Enel Group, has carried out, in 2022, street and pedestrian lighting projects, with LED technology, for city halls in ten localities in the country, as well as for companies, through which they insure themselves savings in energy consumption of up to 80%, depending on the functionalities chosen. So far, Enel X România has completed another 30 public lighting projects carried out with 29 local authorities from 14 counties.

Within these projects, Enel X România has supplied and installed, in total, over 5,350 energy efficient lamps, with LED technology; additionally, in some projects, lighting solutions also included poles, accumulators or photovoltaic panels. The efficiency of Enel X Romania lighting solutions implies a cut of energy consumption, on average, by 60% for projects with smart lighting fixtures and by 80% for projects that also include the telemanagement system – it can take over the control of the public lighting network, remotely adjusts the parameters of the intelligent street lighting system, such as intensity, and generates reports on the operating status of the lighting network, connection, various measurements.

In total, public institutions and companies that have chosen the smart lighting solutions of Enel X Romania save 1,300 MWh per year for street or pedestrian lighting. The projects carried out in 2022 were for Liberty Galați (supply of and installation of 1,100 street and pedestrian lighting lamps, with the help of which the company will achieve an annual saving of 700 MWh), the Botanical Garden in Cluj-Napoca (supply of pedestrian lighting products) and town halls in  the counties of  Alba, Arad, Bihor, Brașov, Caraş-Severin, Cluj, and Prahova  (supply and installation of lighting lamps, telemanagement system for certain projects). Enel X România also supplied public lighting products for the Domnești, Berceni, and Olteniței passages on the Bucharest ring road.

“Smart public lighting solutions are increasingly becoming part of the concern of local administrations to ensure an efficient management of the security and comfort needs of the communities served, but also of the local budget. The annual electricity consumption for this purpose is cut, on average, by 60%, and in some cases it can reach up to 80%, thanks to the implementation of the telemanagement system. We are glad that local administrations, as well as public companies, are open to adopting various solutions for energy efficiency and trust in the turnkey solutions that Enel X România can provide,” said Dorin Petrișor Chisăliță, Head of E-City, Enel X România.

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