2017 Energy Strategy Summit: Shaping the future – the corporate perspective
15 Jun 2017 @ 00:00 - 23:59
On June 15, energynomics.ro organizes the most important event of the summer for the Romanian energy industry: 2017 Energy Strategy Summit. The third edition of the summit summons the most influential decision makers in Romanian energy industry at Stirbey Palace, near Bucharest, for an extensive analysis of the national, European and corporate strategies – after two years in a row 2015 and 2016 when we have focused on the national energy strategy.
For once more, senior officials from the Government and regulatory bodies, top managers from large companies, savvy representatives of professional associations, Romanian and foreign experts will have the opportunity to speak their minds in front of their peers.
Energy Strategy Summit 2017 is organized by Wing Media Energy Consulting, through energynomics.ro, in partnership with reputed industry organizations such as ACUE, AFEER, AIIR-FV, EFdeN, RBSTA, ROPEPCA, RPIA and EPG, with the support of BCR, BMW Auto Cobălcescu, Casa de traduceri, CEC Bank, CIS-GAZ, Conpet, Enel, E.ON, Hidroelectrica, KMG International, Lukoil, Nuclearelectrica, Phoenix Contact, Romgaz, RWEA, Schneider Electric România, SAMEDAY, Stratum Enclosures, Transelectrica.
Energy Strategy Summit 2017 is a one day event, with plenary sessions, individual presentations and round table discussions. Discussions will cover a wide range of topics, from the role of the energy system in Romania in the current turbulent regional context, to the future of venerable local industries of oil and gas; to the possible solutions for reviving the coal sector; the elements involved in the future development of the utilities sector and accelerated maturation of production from renewable resources.
08:30 – 09:00 Registration of participants and welcome coffee
09.00 – 09.20 Opening plenary session
- Toma Petcu, Romanian Energy Minister
09:20 – 10:30 Global trends with local impact – high level debate
- Benedikt Klauser, DG Energy, European Commission
- Mihnea Constantinescu, Ambassador at large, Special Representative for Energy Security, Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Frank Umbach, the Research Director of EUCERS
- Radu Dudău, Co-founder & Director Energy Policy Group (moderator)
10:30 – 10:45 Coffee break
SESSION 1 – STRATEGIES FOR SECURITY – legal framework and national priorities
10:45 – 11:30 Keynote speakers
- Corina Popescu, Member of Transelectrica Directorate
- Alexey Golovin, KMGI vicepresident
- Liviu Ilaşi, Conpet CEO
11:30 – 13:00 Panel for SECURITY
- Mark Wagley, ROPEPCA president
- Virgil Metea, Romgaz CEO
- Florina Sora, Superior Advisor, National Agency for Mineral Resources
- Varinia Radu, CMS partner
- Mirela Iovu, CEC Bank vicepresident
- Eugenia Guşilov, director ROEC (moderator)
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break
SESSION 2 – STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABILITY – market design for reaching climate targets
14:00 – 14:45 Keynote speakers
- Frank Hajdinjak, E.ON România CEO
- Claudia Brânduş, RWEA president
- Sorin Boza, President of CE Oltenia Directorate
14:45 – 15:00 Coffee Break
SESSION 3 – STRATEGY FOR GROWTH – technology and expertise
15:00 – 15:30 Keynote speakers
- Niculae Havrileţ, ANRE president
- Bogdan Chiriţoiu, President of the Competition Council
15:30 – 17:00 Panel for GROWTH
- Emil Calotă, ANRE vicepresident
- Ovidiu Agliceru, Hidroelectrica CEO
- Daniela Lulache, Nuclearelectrica CEO
- Carmen Neagu, EnergoBit CEO
- Oana Truţă, vicepreşedinte Franklin Templeton Investment
- Marius Perșinaru, Schneider Electric Romania CEO
- Ioana Gheorghiade, Executive Manager of the Corporate Underwriting Division, BCR
- Otilia Nuţu, Policy Analyst Expert Forum (moderator)
17:00 – 17.30 Final Debate
- Frank Umbach, the Research Director of EUCERS, King’s College London & Associate Senior Fellow at the Centre for European Security Strategies
- Radu Dudău, Energy Policy Group CEO
- Gabriel Avăcăriței, Chief Editor energynomics.ro
17.30 Networking
Media partners: Radio România Actualităţi, Mesagerul Energetic.
Media Accreditation
All members of the media interested in attending Energy Strategy Summit 2017 are required to apply for accreditation. Please send your name, organization, phone, email, and organization website to office@energynomics.ro.
Please note that all media coverage must include a specific mention of the event and of the organizers, such as “… said XXX, during the 2017 Energy Strategy Summit, organized by energynomics.ro.”