2019 Energy Strategy Summit – Mapping the future
11 Jun 2019 @ 09:00 - 18:00
On June 11, energynomics.ro organizes the most important event of the summer for the Romanian energy industry: 2019 Energy Strategy Summit.
This year’s edition summons the most influential decision makers in Romanian energy industry at the Royal Palace in Bucharest, for an extensive analysis of the national, European and corporate strategies – after the previous four successful editions in 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015.
2019 Energy Strategy Summit means almost 30 speakers – senior officials from the Government and regulatory bodies, top managers from large companies, savvy representatives of professional associations, Romanian and foreign experts will have the opportunity to speak their minds in front of their peers.
Reserve minimum 3 seats at the 2019 Energy Strategy Summit, for a 20% DISCOUNT! Send us the REGISTRY FORM by mail: office (at) energynomics.ro!
2019 Energy Strategy Summit is organized by Wing Media Energy Consulting, through energynomics.ro, in partnership with reputed industry organizations such as ACUE, AFEER, AIIR-FV, ARPEE, EFdeN, RBSTA, PATRES, RWEA and SIER-Tineret, with the support of Alpha Bank, AON România, BCR România, CEZ România, Electrica SA, Enevo Group, FPPG, Hidroelectrica, ING Bank, Klarmedia, MET România Energy, Nuclearelectrica, Petrotel LUKOIL, OMV Petrom, Phoenix Contact, Ridgid – Emerson, Ringhel, Romgaz, ROPEPCA, Safetech Innovations, Stratum Enclosures, Transelectrica, WeTranslate.
Media partners: Radio România Actualităţi, BusinessMark, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Româno-Germană.
On June 11, the most influential decision makers in the Romanian energy industry will meet for the largest professional debate dedicated to the national, European and corporate strategy, with plenary sessions, and Keynote presentations.
The 5th edition of Energy Strategy Summit (June 11th) will address the hottest topics in the Romanian and regional energy industry this year. There will be 4 plenary sessions for the leaders of thought in the most dynamic organizations to share their views on strategies for investment, strategies for integration, and strategies for transformation. We will also take a competent look at the most prominent sectors of the moment: O&G – exploration, transport, processing, Renewables – O&M, prosuming, fair competition, and Smart Cities – energy efficiency, cogeneration.
We will continue to stimulate inter-institutional collaboration between Government, Parliament, local authorities, regulatory bodies and external partners. Just like in 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015, energynomics.ro will provide the authorities with a comprehensive Report of this year’s edition of Energy Strategy Summit for the Government and the regulatory bodies to take them into consideration when drafting the national policies on energy.a
On its way to full liberalization, Romanian energy industry is currently navigating troubled waters moved by three types of strategies: in the field strategies, national strategies and European strategies. 2019 Energy Strategy Summit aims at providing all those interested with insights on possible approaches and actual projects for them to draw a better image of their future steps – a map and at the same time a compass.
In the field strategies means simply adapting on the stringent needs of their day to day business. Influenced by sudden changes in the market (e.g. the rising energy prices), by sudden discovery of previously ignored trends (e.g. the evolution of CO2 certificates prices), or by unexpected, unannounced and unprepared legal changes (e.g. the GEO 114/2018), companies and regulators have to take decisions and change their direction for staying afloat.
National strategies means, in case of Romania, the existing energy strategy still in place for 2007-2020, but also the strategy for the horizon 2030-2050, yet a draft, and all the other sectorial strategies impacting the energy industry (mining, agriculture, environment etc.). People and companies have to take all these into account when trying to prepare for the (near) future.
As a EU member state, Romania has to comply with all the regulations and Directives generated in Brussels; Romania could even influence their final form by lobbying so that this legislation incorporates the specifics of the local economy and society. However, what it is decided by the EU becomes mandatory for Romania, sooner or later. Thus, it is the European energy strategy, and also the climate, competition, and security policies, that best anticipates the future of the Romanian energy industry.
Most probably, the National Energy Climate Plan is to become, by the end of this year, after revised by the European Commission, the map for understanding where we are, and where can we afford to dream of heading to.
The 2019 Energy Strategy Summit is the perfect place to be for putting all these ideas together, for making your voice heard, for meeting and conferring with your peers on the hottest topics of the industry.
The Royal Palace, Mirrors Hall
09:00 – 09:05 Opening speech from the organizers
09:05 – 09:20 Ministerial Address – Florin Radu Ciocănelea, State counsellor on energy matters, Prime Minister Cabinet
09:20 – 09:35 Keynote Speech – Dumitru Chiriță, president of the National Energy Regulatory Authority – ANRE
09:35 – 11:00 1st PLENARY PANEL – Strategies for integration – Reaching across markets!
“Future favors the brave”, they say. In energy this means that staying inside your box condemns you to irrelevance. More and more companies decide to take action outside their traditional field or outside national borders, in order to capitalize new opportunities or to minimize anticipated perils: from power generation to energy supply, from natural gas production to electricity and maybe further, from downstream oil to e-vehicles infrastructure. We will discuss some of these issues, based on case studies and insights from top level decision makers.
- Franck Neel, President Oil and Gas Employers Federation – FPPG
- Saniya Melnicenco, President ROPEPCA
- Argentina Tătaru, Director of Mediaș Subsidiary, Romgaz
- Johan Meyer, CEO Franklin Templeton Investments & Fund Manager, Fondul Proprietatea
- Ramona Kurko, Head of Energy&Utilities, Corporate Banking BCR
Chair: Julian Bowden, Senior Visiting Research Fellow – The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
11:30 – 11:45 Keynote Speech – Laurian Lungu, co-fondator Consilium Policy Advisors Group – CPAG
11:45 – 13:00 2nd PLENARY PANEL – Strategy for sustainability – Strong on your feet!
Predictability is what companies want and what their shareholders appreciate most. This is even more so when the outside climate is stormy, and it takes great stamina to keep direction. From different fields, the speakers will comment on the challenges they met, providing us with their diagnosis and their solutions. They will also presents us with their forecasts on how each of them prepare for the further developments in their sector.
- Ondrej Safar, Country Manager CEZ România
- Anca Dragu, Deputy Director General E.ON România
- Oana Mogoi, Sector Head – Utilities & Natural Resources ING Bank
- Cosmin Ghiță, CEO Nuclearelectrica
- Petre Stroe, CEO MET România Energy
13:00 – 14:00 CONFERENCE LUNCH
14:00 – 14:15 Ministerial Address – Anton Anton, Minister of Energy
14:15 – 15:45 3rd PLENARY PANEL – Strategy for technology – The future is here!
Most of us believe that there is a technology for each of our professional needs. Strangely enough, it seems like technology has solutions even for needs that we do not identify as such yet. The vendors build upon our needs and fears, and most of the times they also stumble upon new and better ways of solving our riddles. It is, thus, of uttermost importance to discover what sorts of equipment, devices and software is available now, and what it will be on the market in the near future. It might be an answer to lack of manpower, or to cyber-attacks, or to environmental requirements, or to setting overambitious targets, or to too fast a business growth, or…
- Marian Bratu, Member in the Directorate of Hidroelectrica
- Alexandra Borislavschi, Chief Corporate Governance & M&A Officer Electrica SA
- Cristian Pîrvulescu, CEO Enevo Group
- Carmen Neagu, Strategy & Business Development Counselor EnergoBit
- Victor Gânsac, CEO Safetech Innovations
- Mihai Dârzan, CEO Ringhel
Chair: Mihai Necula, Business Development Manager, Elawan Energy
16:00 – 17:30 4th PLENARY PANEL – Strategy for Cooperation – Putting all resources at work!
Depending on where you stand, the energy industry looks different. However, for most of us, this is a team play, where cooperation, trust and good faith make 1+1 to exceed 2. It has become clearer every year that coal needs renewable or gas or hydro; that green needs gas or coal or storage; that suppliers need generation; that households benefit from the existence of large (interruptible) industrial consumers; that new money comes where subsidies are and that state-own companies make most of their strong rating when they bring together expertise and extra financing from private actors. Join a conversation on possible forms of cooperation for strengthening the energy sector!
- Elena Popescu, General Director, Ministry of Energy
- Cornel Brezuică, President AFM
- Claudia Anastase, Member of the Directorate of Transelectrica
- Constantin Văduva, President of Directorate, SAPE SA
- Mihai Bălan, Policy Officer RWEA
Chair: Martin Moise, vicepresident The Association of Renewable Energy Producers in Romania – PATRES
17:30 – 18:30 FAREWELL DRINKS
For details on sponsorship and partnerships opportunities, as well as on the benefits of supporting the 2019 Energy Strategy Summit, download the .pdf presentation and contact us at energynomics.ro or by phone at 021 230 2022!
Media Accreditation
All members of the media interested in attending the 2019 Energy Strategy Summit are required to apply for accreditation. Please send your name, organization, phone, email, and organization website to office (at) energynomics.ro.
Please note that all media coverage must include a specific mention of the event and of the organizers, such as “… said XXX, during the 2019 Energy Strategy Summit, organized by energynomics.ro.”
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