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Actions for sustainable energy use (April 25, Iaşi)

25 Apr 2017 @ 09:00 - 13:00

Tuesday, on April 25th, from 9 am at Rossini Conference Hall, Congress Hall, in Iaşi, energynomics.ro organizes, within the project Start2Act, funded under the European Union’s Research and Innovation Program Horizon 2020, its first event dedicated to Energy Efficiency: “Actions for a sustainable consumption of energy”. Evenimentul îşi propune să crească nivelul de conștientizare și de înţelegere asupra a ceea ce este și a modului în care se poate îmbunătăţi eficiența energetică. Pentru aceasta, ne propunem să informăm companiile interesate și consumatorii finali, inclusiv autorităţi publice locale, cu privire la beneficiile reale şi tangibile ale reducerii consumului de energie.

Event recommended by the Regulatory Authority for Energy – ANRE.

This conference is organized by energynomics.ro with the support of our partners: BMW APAN Motors Iaşi, Eximbank, Gefco, Phoenix Contact, Servelect.

The Gold sponsor of the conference is ENGIE Romania, a company that, together with its subsidiaries, serves approximately 1.6 million customers, operates a network of 19,000 kilometers in 19 counties in Southern Romania and Bucharest. ENGIE Romania suppy natural gas and electricity, and, through its subsidiaries, distributes natural gas, provides energy services for all customers and produces electricity. ENGIE Romania is part of one of the largest energy groups in the world and operates in order to satisfy the most demanding requirements from its customer, and for turning a contractual relationship into a long-term partnership. ENGIE has the goal to be the leader of the energy transition, a global trend characterized by clean energy, reduced energy consumption by implementing energy efficiency measures and digitization of information. More information on www.engie.ro. a

Media partners: Iaşul în afaceriJurnalul de afaceri, Radio România Actualităţi

Iasul in afaceri 80pxJURNALUL DE AFACERI 80px



Support partner: Iași Chamber of Commerce and Industry






Strategic partners: AIIR-FV, ROGBC, #better.

Interested to participate? Send us an e-mail at office @ energynomics.ro or give us a call: 021 230 20 22!


Mihai Chirica, the Mayor of Iaşi





Nicolae Dordea, Sales Manager Business Customers North ENGIE Romania





Marius Cătălin Lepinzean, Business Development Manager Phoenix Contact





Nicoleta-Ion-Enero-micaNicoleta Ion, Enero





Cristian Sîrbu, Regional Director Eximbank






We will invite over 100 experts from the energy sector, decision makers in the Romanian public authorities and companies – from Start-Ups and SMEs to the largest enterprises, interested in subject matters such as: legislation and regulation in energy efficiency, financing for energy efficiency projects and support for public authorities and SMEs.

Join “Actions for a sustainable consumption of energy” for an open discussion on

  • Public Sector – Exemplary role of public bodies’ buildings and purchasing by public bodies
  • Metering and Billing – Operational, as well as potential specific technical topics
  • Financing – The conditions required for the successful establishment of financing facilities
  • Energy Services – Provisions to stimulate the development of the energy services market; energy storage; energy balancing; energy flexibility
  • Consumer Information – Communication is a vital aspect of promoting energy efficiency
  • CHP and Heating / Cooling – Assessment for the potential application of high-efficiency CHP and DH
  • Obligation Schemes, Audits and Monitoring – Options for implementation and issues related to monitoring
  • National Energy Efficiency Action Plans

Among the invited organisations there are Delphi Diesel, Lear Corporation, Antibiotice, ArcelorMittal, Iasicon, Media Rom, Fidelis Energy, Conex Disitribution, Conest, Apavital, Industrializarea cărnii (Kosarom).


Access to the conference is open to all professionals in the Romanian energy industry and related sectors, based on the nominal confirmation from energynomics.ro. You are welcomed to write us at office [at] energynomics.ro and ask for an invitation!

Between April and June 2017 we scheduled three conferences aimed to highlight the need for and the benefits of implementing energy audits, with examples of actions and technologies for increased energy efficiency.

Conferences scheduled within the Communication Campaign “Energy Efficiency for big results”

  • Solutions for reducing energy consumption (May 18, Cluj-Napoca)
  • Innovative approaches and new trends in energy efficiency (June 22, Timişoara)

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