Clean energy solutions for end consumers (September 8)
08 Sep 2020 @ 10:00 - 13:00
Thursday, on September 8th, 2020, from 10.00 to 12.30, Energynomics invite you to an interactive conference for the invited experts to present case studies and concrete solutions to cover the need for electricity from green sources, in conditions of security of supply and competitive costs.
More and more industrial actors with significant energy needs are analyzing the options for generating electricity using renewable sources, as close as possible to the place of consumption. For this, they need not only financing for investment and support in the realization and execution of the project, but especially experienced collaborators (suppliers and/or partners). Most often, large energy-intensive companies appear in the forefront, in sectors such as steel, chemical and petrochemical, ore processing, pulp and paper production, where new technologies and new legislative and regulatory context allow to reduce price risks by covering partial energy needs through self-generation. For the other industries, however, now technological, but also new business solutions can be applied on the entire energy footprint of a factory, with a quasi-complete control of energy costs.
- Ionel Dancă, Șeful Cancelariei Prim-Ministrului
- Mihaela Coroiu, Marketing Strategy Director, EnergoBit
- Marian Dor, Managing Partner Wiren
- Sebastian Enache, Business Development Manager & Member of the Board Monsson
- Adrian Borotea, Vicepreședinte RWEA
- Adrian Paraschiv, Country Manager Photomate
- Solutions for green energy acquisition; certificates of origin
- Photovoltaic energy for final consumers: households – industrial – commercial
- Wind energy: the pathway from production to consumption
- Optimizing the energy footprint by including renewable solutions
- Direct procurement – the legal and regulatory framework
- Cogeneration for balancing the consumption
Demonstration will be provided and the speakers invited will answer questions launched during the LIVE session.
The VIDEO Conference will be held in Romanian, with no translation provided.
Access to the conference is open to all professionals in the Romanian energy industry and related sectors. You can register HERE.
This conference is organized by Energynomics: EnergoBit, Wiren Energy.