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Electricity supply map is redrawn by liberalization (Oct 26)

26 Oct 2016 @ 09:00 - 13:00

 Wednesday, on October  26, from 9 A.M. at Cesianu Racoviţă Palace, in Bucharest, energynomics.ro invites you to another informal meeting for the experts and decision makers in the energy industry: Energy Breakfast Club – Electricity supply map is redrawn by liberalization. Competition seems to intensify in the energy supply market. The liberalization of energy markets and expanding the types of services offered by the utility companies bring to live new battle fields. Consumers are gradually learning how to find the necessary information and how to choose the best deal. Regulators come with new helpful tools, while companies are competing in offers.
. [formularEveniment] a

Event under the patronage of Regulatory Authority for Energy – ANRE

Energy Breakfast Club is organised by energynomics.ro with the support of our partners: CEZ România, Premier Palace Spa Hotel, Ridgid, SGS România. a


Florin Tobescu, head of International Relations Department





aa Cornelia Szabo, Executive Director CEZ Vânzare a a a a




aaSilvia Vlăsceanu, Executive Director ACUE a a a a






We will invite over 50 experts from the energy sector, mainly representatives of Romania’s most active companies and professional associations in the field, altogether with high officials from the regulatory bodies in energy and environment (ANRE, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration).

Come and find out at Energy Breakfast Club about opportunities and pitfalls, the trends, solutions and answers to your questions about the new landscape of the electricity supply market.

  • Since 2017, the market of energy supply to the householders will be completely liberalized. Will the prices decrease or will they increase, following liberalization?
  • Liberalization has attracted new players in the supply market. How do they differ from the ones already in business, and what are the means they use to find a niche?
  • For this year we already have a new template of bill for electricity. What is new with these bills? Do they help or not?
  • Where does the project of a system to compare electricity prices stand?
  • Utility providers seem to engage into a generic services provider business model. How does this development changes the present business model and what impact it might have on the quality of energy services?

Among the invited organisations there are Alpiq Romenergie, Alro Slatina, Arelco Power, Axpo Energy Romania, CEZ Romania, Complexul Energetic Oltenia, E.On Energie Romania, Eft Furnizare, Electrica Furnizare, Electromagnetica, Elsaco Energy, Enel Romania, Energy Network, Fidelis Energy, KDF Energy, Nuclearelectrica, OMV Petrom, Renovatio Trading, Repower Furnizare Romania, Romelectro, RWE Energie, Statkraft Romania, Tinmar Ind.


Access to Energy Breakfast Club is open to all professionals in the Romanian energy industry and related sectors, based on the call of energynomics.ro. You are welcomed to write us at office@energynomics.ro and ask for an invitation! Energy Breakfast Club is a meeting of 2 to 3 hours where energy specialists have the opportunity to keep themselves up to date with the latest information and the most influential views on one the hot topics of the moment. As a host, energynomics.ro will provide – from 09.00 AM – the MC and the coffee, will propose the theme and will launch the invitations for the speakers. They are selected accordingly with their best knowledge of the topic and are responsible for organizing ideas and stimulating intellectual challenges. Presentations will not exceed 20 minutes and are intended to be starting points for a dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives. The club closes at 13.

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