Energy Efficiency – profit from the available resources
07 Sep 2016 @ 09:00 - 13:00
Wednesday, on September 7, from 9 A.M. at Cesianu Racoviţă Palace, in Bucharest, invites you to another informal meeting for the experts and decision makers in the energy industry: Energy Breakfast Club – Energy Efficiency – profit from the available resources. We will discover together equipments and solutions to reduce energy consumption while maintaining comfort in the residential buildings, and strengthen control of force, heat and ventilation needed in the industrial spaces. [formularEveniment] a
Event under the patronage of Regulatory Authority for Energy – ANRE
Energy Breakfast Club is organised by with the support of our partners: Atrea, Enevo Group, Lubexpert, Servelect, SGS România. a
Irina Nicolau, expert of the National Regulatory Authority for Energy (ANRE), the Direction for Monitoring the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency
Irina Nicolau will will inform interested companies about the regulatory context and the means of support for energy efficiency.
Andrei Ceclan, Senior Energy Advisor Servelect
Andrei Ceclan will present, under the Negawatt concept, some concrete solutions for reduced operational costs in industry and buildings, as well as examples of already implemented projects. The major benefit obtained by implementing such a project is the guaranteed energy savings. They generate substantial reductions in utility bills, having a positive impact on the operational budget of the beneficiary company’s cashflow.
a Cristian Pîrvulescu, CEO Enevo Group
In the context of the European Strategy 2020, one of the European Union’s priorities, which also Romania assumed, is to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by improved energy efficiency. Cristian Pîrvulescu will present solutions for improving energy efficiency for industrial consumers, focusing on the consumption measurement and monitoring equipment, activities that can be funded by accessing European funds.
Olivier Marechal, Chief Engineer – South Europe Field Engineering Support ExxonMobil Lubricants
We will invite over 50 experts from the energy sector, mainly representatives of Romania’s most active companies and professional associations in the field, altogether with high officials from the regulatory bodies in energy and environment (ANRE, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration) Energy efficiency is one of the five dimensions underpinning European Union Energy. By regulations and obligations, but also through grants, living spaces will gradually become more efficient. Romania has also recently adopted an obligation that strating from January 2021, which is less than 5 years fom now, all new buildings to have nearly zero energy consumption. New engineering solutions will in demand. New technologies and equipment will discover their market. The industrial sector is driven in the same direction by competition and crisis imposed financial pressures: only those who control and reduce their energy costs will remain in the game. How? Come and find out at Energy Breakfast Club the newest and most efficient solutions, from experts and companies with solid experience and portfolios.
- What does it mean assessing the company’s energy situation?
- How can measuring and regulating energy consumption be realized?
- How much it costs and what are the benefits of energy management organization for granting the security of supply?
- What are companies that have the required expertise in implementing these programs?
- What are the “no cost / low cost” kind of measures for a sustainable reduction in consumption ?
- How do the service companies collaborate with their clients?
Among the invited organisations there are industrial operators and big energy consumers.
Access to Energy Breakfast Club is open to all professionals in the Romanian energy industry and related sectors, based on the call of You are welcomed to write us at and ask for an invitation! Energy Breakfast Club is a meeting of 2 to 3 hours where energy specialists have the opportunity to keep themselves up to date with the latest information and the most influential views on one the hot topics of the moment. As a host, will provide – from 09.00 AM – the MC and the coffee, will propose the theme and will launch the invitations for the speakers. They are selected accordingly with their best knowledge of the topic and are responsible for organizing ideas and stimulating intellectual challenges. Presentations will not exceed 20 minutes and are intended to be starting points for a dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives. The club closes at 13.