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energynomics Awards 2016 – Value

08 Dec 2016 @ 18:00 - 22:00

 energynomics.ro invites you to the 4th edition of the energynomics.ro Awards for the Romanian energy industry! The flagship event of energynomics.ro will reunite, on December 8 this year, over 200 high representatives of the most important and most dynamic companies in the Romanian energy industry. energynomics Awards is an original concept event and an unique opportunity to meet, discuss and have fun altogether with your peers – partners & competitors – in the energy field. [formularEveniment]

The fourth edition of the Gala Awards organized by energynomics.ro will end the business rush, to open the holiday season. This time, we come back to the sophisticated premises of the National Military Center, in Bucharest. All the visible and hidden themes of the year – from infrastructure, to strategies; from fiscal framework, to technologies – were absorbed into the most fundamental and pressing one for all shareholders: creating and communicat- ing value. Thus the theme of the 2016 energynomics.ro Awards Gala is “Value”.

The energynomics Awards 2016 – Value enjoy the support and trust of the most reputed institutions and associations of local energy. Among them: CNR-CME, COGEN, CRE, EPG, RBSTA, ROGBC, ROPEPCA, RPIA, RWEA, UPG, and Aspen Institute România.

The energynomics Awards project is mostly self-financed, proposed and organized by Wing Media Energy Consulting, through energynomics.ro and its partners: Bosch Rexroth, Bureau Veritas, Conpet, Electrica, Elsaco Engineering, Enel România, EximBank, Hunt Oil, MOL România, Nuclearelectrica, Romelectro, Romgaz, SGS România, Transgaz, Aqua Carpatica, Artmark, ATA – Academia Titi Aur, Automobile Bavaria Group, Casa de Traduceri, Crama Histria, Dental One, Domeniile Sâmbureşti, GT Print, Klarmedia, Chivas, Petalia.


Access to the competition is free and open to any company operating in the Romanian energy sector, regardless of size, sector of activity or shareholder structure.

The energynomics Awards has as its primary role to provide the energy community in Romania with successful models, aspirational benchmarks and case studies from exceptional organizations and personalities.

Altogether, the energynomics Awards Evolution 2015 aims to highlight the achievements of the energy sector for a better visibility to the business partners and general public.

The Jury

To select the winners, the jury will examine each application based on three fundamental principles.

SUCCESS – the proposals should prove commercial success in the activity sector of the respective company.
IMPACT – the proposals must have measurable impact on the energy sector, upon the community or the economy as a whole.
INOVATION – the proposals should have introduced the Romanian energy sector with certain products / services / innovative business practices which contribute to the healthy development of the business.


22 September to November 4 – Gathering the candidate projects [We have extended the registration period for better accommodatting all concerned!]

November 10 – The projects are submitted to the Jury. Jurors may request additional information

November 17 – The Jury receives additional information, if requested.

November 24 – The Jury will determine the winning projects

December 8, 2016 – The Awards Gala for handing the rewards to the 2016 winners

Oil and Gas, renewables, electricity and mining, producers or distributors, services or equipment providers, young and seniors altogether are welcome to the the 2016 energynomics Awards Gala, the place where we recognize and celebrate the success and good practices in the Romanian energy industry.

To register and benefit from this premium exposure and – why not? – to win one of the prizes, write us at office@energynomics.ro!

Awards and categories

The energynomics Awards are celebrated annually, starting from 2013. The Awards have a symbolic character, i.e. it is a non-financial award. Their primal aim is to recognize the excellency in the energy business, promoting the companies, ideas and people most consistent with the following criteria:

Best Corporate Citizen

The award honours the company with the most important impact upon the community in which it operates (donations, sponsorships, responsibility towards the environment, other forms of CSR).

Energy Efficiency

The award rewards the company that implemented a remarkable energy efficiency project at national or local scale, by the amount of energy consumption reduction obtained, by the favorable impact to the business and the environment, by the financing attracted, and by the performance in communicating the project as a landmark model of good practice.

M&A Deal of the year

The award honors the company that managed the most important procedure for purchase / controlling stake / merger / farm-in / farm-out. Among the analysis criteria: size and impact of the operation (based on size of the original company), the development prospects of the company results, the degree of innovation.

Financing of the year

The award honors the company / companies that managed the most inventive and of impact funding for the energy sector in Romania. Among the analysis criteria: the structure of the grant agreement, the impact upon the financed company, the anticipated growth for the business, benefits for the shareholders.

Best new-comer / Best turn-around

The award honors the company that came with the most interesting novelty this year: new entrant in Romania, domain extension, new major scale project, unused technologies until today.

Executive of the year

The award honors the most innovative and inspirational manager in the industry. Among the analysis criteria: the executive proved leadership, contributed to the company’s growth, introduced and implemented new strategies.

Lifetime Achievement Award

The award honors an energy industry personality from Romania (capacity for leadership, contributions to the development of the company, has introduced and applied innovative business strategies, leader of thought).

Outstanding Development

The award honors the company that has stood out by one specific accomplishment, something with great impact that raised the public attention and became a benchmark in the industry, throughout the year.

Young Energy Expert

This award category is open to all under 35 years old Romanian professionals with up to 10 years’ experience in in the industry. The Young Energy Professional Award is the result of a partnership between energynomics.ro and RNC-WEC’s VLER. The award recognizes work and achievements in 2016, relevant within the Romanian or regional energy sector.

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