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New wave of renewables

06 Oct 2022 @ 09:00 - 15:00

Thursday, October 6th, 2022, from 09.00 am, at the Galați Hall, in the JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, Energynomics invites you to an interactive conference about the benefits of renewable energy and the growing options for such solutions!

Thank you for your interest! All seats have been occupied!


The new wave of renewables (solar, wind, geothermal), unlike the first, covers not only large utility-scale projects, but also smaller consumers looking for a long-term solution to the pressure of bills. Renewables are increasingly the answer of choice for lighting, (micro-)power generation, and even heating.

One reason for optimism is that lower prices are opening up the market to domestic customers, and publicly funded programs (European and national) are allowing even smaller municipalities to enter this market. For public institutions, renovations or new projects almost always include renewable energy systems, whether for heritage buildings, school refurbishments, hospital construction, or residential neighborhoods.

Every day, the market is getting busier, with new projects and new players; we aim to identify together who are the most active players and what are the main opportunities not to be missed in 2022!



08.30 – 09.00 Registration of participants

09.00 – 09.05 Introduction Gabriel Avăcăriței, Energynomics

09.05 – 09.20 Speech Zoltan Nagy-Bege + Q&A

09.20 – 09.30 Speech Mihai Bălan

09.30 – 10.00 Speech Dan Drăgan + Q&A

10.00 – 11.00 Session 1

  • Constantin Ichimoaei, Executive Manager, ABB România
  • Sergiu Bazarciuc, COO & Co-Founder, Simtel
  • Dan Bold, Business Development Manager REI Grup
  • Răzvan Encică, General Manager, Phoenix Contact România

11.00 – 11.30 Coffee and networking

11.30 – 12.30 Session 2

  • Adrian Paraschiv, Country Manager Photomate
  • Mircea Bica, CEO EnergoPower
  • Dan Fleșariu, CEO Wiren
  • Octavian Roșca, Managing Partner VOLT

12.30 – 13.00 Coffee and networking

13.00 – 14.00 Session 3

  • Sebastian Staicu, Project Finance Manager BCR
  • Cristian Pîrvulescu, CEO ENEVO Group
  • Mihaela Coroiu, Director de strategie de marketing, EnergoBit
  • Gabriel Tache, Country Sales Manager, Eaton Romania
  • Gheorghe Dragne, ROGBC



Access to the conference is open to all professionals in the Romanian energy industry and related sectors.

This conference is organized by Energynomics with the support of our partners: ABB, BCR, Eaton Electric, EnergoBit, EnergoPower, Enevo Group, Phoenix Contact, Photomate, REI Group, Simtel, Volt, Wiren.


  • Renewables share- current situation and prognosis
  • Repositioning the electricity generation sector: few large farms or thousands of small projects
  • Support schemes – no longer essential, but…
  • Micro-generation – feasible projects in the renewables sector
  • Partnership between private companies and local public authorities
  • Electric mobility
  • Electricity storage
  • Demand response solutions for grid flexibility


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Dan Drăgan
State Secretary in the Romanian Ministry of Energy

Zoltan Nagy-Bege
Vice-President of ANRE

Mihai Bălan
President of RPIA

Mihaela Coroiu
Marketing Strategy Director, EnergoBit

Constantin Ichimoaei
Executive Manager, ABB România

Răzvan Encică
General Manager, Phoenix Contact România

Sebastian Staicu
Project Finance Manager BCR

Adrian Paraschiv
Country Manager Photomate

Cristian Pîrvulescu

Gabriel Tache
Country Sales Manager, Eaton Romania

Sergiu Bazarciuc
COO & Co-Founder, Simtel

Dan Bold
Business Development Manager, REI Group

Mircea Bica
CEO EnergoPower

Octavian Roșca
Managing Partner, VOLT

Dan Fleșariu
CEO, Wiren

Gheorghe Dragne


Gabriel Avăcăriței Chief Editor Energynomics


Denisa Nicola 4 021 230 20 22 denisa.nicola@energynomics.ro