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O&G – answers for today, answers for tomorrow

08 Sep 2022 @ 10:00 - 13:30

Thursday, September 8th, 2022, from 10.00 am, at Noblesse Palace, Biblioteka Hall, Energynomics invites you to an interactive conference to discover from our guest speakers what are Romania’s assets in the Oil&Gas industry: resources, technologies, and people!

For in-person participation, based on confirmation from the organizers, write us at events @ energynomics.ro!


The energy crisis fueled by the war in Ukraine is hitting the oil and gas industry hardest – commodity prices are at historic highs, but production is far from meeting demand. Demanded for years, solutions to known bottlenecks are yet to be introduced, and this affects mainly the onshore Upstream segment and the sector’s potential for digitalization. Attempts are being made to speed up storage in preparation for winter, but imports are threatened every day.

Well-established companies and new players actively search for lateral moves to strengthen their future; these are usually related to integrating renewables (wind and solar), new energy carriers (eg. hydrogen), and capitalizing on solid geological knowledge and know-how (geothermal).

Many of the answers depend on general policies and the decisions of public authorities. At the same time, the industry has a duty to make clear what it needs and what solutions it envisages for the challenges of today and tomorrow.

We aim to bring forward experts and companies from whom you can learn more about technologies and business approaches that can better leverage Romania’s assets in the oil and gas industry: resources, technologies, people!



Access to the conference is open to all professionals in the Romanian energy industry and related sectors. You can register HERE.

This conference is organized by Energynomics with the support of our partners: ACE Industrial Software, Romgaz, Schneider Electric.


  • Capitalization of mature deposits: from monitoring, to conversion and divestment
  • New technologies to optimize well work
  • Integration of renewable energy resources: geothermal, solar, wind, hydrogen
  • Digitization to increase performance – how much can we do under current legislation
  • Expansion of natural gas transmission and distribution networks


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Vasile Cârstea
CEO Depogaz

Anthony Marino
CEO Tenaz Energy

Cătălin Mărmureanu
Sales Director, Romania & Moldova, Schneider Electric

Liviu Drăgoi
Sales Manager, ACE Industrial Software Solutions

Septimiu Stoica
President of the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Romanian Commodities Exchange – BRM

Gehrig Schultz
COO - Geoscience, EPI Group


Gabriel Avăcăriței Chief Editor Energynomics


Denisa Nicola denisa.nicola@energynomics.ro