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Optimization of energy flows in industry – workshop in București

16 Nov 2023 @ 14:30 - 17:00

On Thursday, November 16, Energynomics invites you to the 6th workshop session dedicated to industrial companies looking for solutions to rising energy prices. On the sidelines of the conference “Energy Efficiency for Energy Transition”, we will meet again in Bucharest, in small numbers, with 15-20 representatives of industrial companies from the region for an open dialogue on solutions to reduce energy costs through the use of renewable sources.

For in-person participation, CLICK HERE!

We will discuss solutions for optimizing energy flows in industrial companies in the region, addressing topics such as:

  • controlling energy costs through bilateral power acquisition contracts
  • production from renewable sources for self-consumption
  • energy efficiency through process automation
  • efficiency through cogeneration – solutions tailored to your needs
  • financing sources for energy efficiency in the industry
  • industrial software – from big data to smart data



14:00 – 14:30 Guests registration

14.30 – 14.35 Introduction Gabriel Avăcăriței, Energynomics

14.35 – 14.55 Sebastian Babu, Key account manager, Ensys Renewable Solution + Q&A

14.55 – 15.15 Elena Popescu, CEO Elektra Renewable Support + Q&A

15.15 – 15.35 Emanuel Lehaci, Project Manager Volt + Q&A

15.35 – 15.55 Andreea Carp, Director EU Funds & Public Procurement, SPH3RA Management Solutions + Q&A

15.55 – 16.30 Free discussion


If you work in an industrial company (plant manager, facility manager, energy manager, or other related positions) and would like to attend this free, short and well-targeted workshop, REGISTER YOURSELF! Admission will be free, but seats are limited! As organisers, we reserve the right to select participants!

This workshop is organized by Energynomics, with the support of our partners: ADC, Eaton Electric, Ensys Renewable Solution, Huawei, SPH3RA Management Solutions, Volt.






Elena Popescu
CEO Elektra Renewable Support

Emanuel Lehaci
Project Manager Volt

Sebastian Babu
Key account manager, Ensys Renewable Solution

Andreea Carp
Director EU Funds & Public Procurement, SPH3RA Management Solutions


Gabriel Avăcăriței Chief Editor Energynomics