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Project Hydrogen – first steps in Romania

26 Apr 2022 @ 10:00 - 14:00

Tuesday, April 26th, 2022, from 10.00 am, Energynomics invites you to an ONLINE conversation about the first H2 projects in Romania and what technological solutions might be adopted!

Project Hydrogen – Romania advances rapidly. With budgets already scheduled in the NRRP and based on public commitments from major private actors, the first hydrogen projects could appear in the coming months.

Even before Romania adopts its national hydrogen strategy, the Modernization Fund could support initiatives to transform hydrogen-based energy from scientific theory into commercially viable projects.



Part of a dynamic network of global companies, research centers and transnational consortia – the European Hydrogen Alliance – Romania has the chance to redesign its energy system to prepare it for the future; a future built around renewable energies and large-scale storage and energy conversion systems, building on existing infrastructure and available natural resources.

We aim to bring together all the necessary perspectives to understand the opportunities of the moment in Project Hydrogen!



Access to the conference is open to all professionals in the Romanian energy industry and related sectors. You can register HERE.

This conference is organized by Energynomics with the support of our partners: Electroservice RB, Horváth, Linde Gas, Solar Turbines.


We will talk about the most active players and the main tools at hand for central and local authorities, companies, consultants and experts to capitalize on the opportunities of 2022.

  • Romania’s hydrogen strategy – where we stand
  • What are the chances of developing a value chain of hydrogen (for energy) in the region neighboring Romania?
  • How do European policies support hydrogen energy projects?
  • How prepared is Romania for using hydrogen as an energy resource?
  • Hydrogen sources: petrochemicals, agrochemicals, renewable production, nuclear, natural gas, coal
  • What is the potential impact of electrolysis systems on electricity networks?
  • The storage and transport of hydrogen; the role of large natural gas companies
  • Hydrogen mobility – infrastructure and vehicles
  • Use of hydrogen in industry
  • Hydrogen projects – what can be done, what has already been done


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Oana Ozmen
USR PLUS MEP, Secretary in the Committee on Industry and Services of the Chamber of Deputies

Daria Vladikova
President of the Bulgarian Association for Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Energy Storage

Benoit Fécamp
EAME off-gas/hydrogen-rich Gas Program Manager, Solar Turbines Inc.


Gabriel Avăcăriței Chief Editor Energynomics


Denisa Nicola
4 021 230 20 22