Evenimente trecute

Regional Approach Belgrade: Cooperation

On Thursday, May 26, from 10:00 a.m. (local time), Energynomics organizes at the Hilton Hotel in Belgrade (Kralja Milana 35, 11000) the second conference in our Regional Approach series in 2022. This B2B in-person conference is an excellent opportunity to interact with the strongest leaders in the business environment in Romania and Serbia. This half-day conference… 

Smart cities – what we can do today

On Wednesday and Thursday, 13-14 April 2021, at the Automobile Bavaria headquarters in Bucharest, Energynomics proposes a meeting to discover which solutions are applicable at the moment to intelligently solve the problems of Romanian cities! Transport, warming and pollution are the main issues of concern to city dwellers all over the world. Add to this… 

NRRP funding lines – which projects stand a better chance

Tuesday, April 7th, 2022, from 10.00 am, Energynomics invites you to an interactive ONLINE conference to discover how grant applications should be written and which projects are more likely to win! Investments must be prepared well before the authorities launch calls for proposals (Mihai Drăghici, EY), and even before the publication of the Financing Guidelines…