Acasă » Electricity » Extra-tax prepared for power and gas traders (

Extra-tax prepared for power and gas traders (

1 March 2022

The government is preparing a special tax for electricity and gas traders, according to a draft Emergency Ordinance on the new consumer support scheme to be introduced from 1 April, reported (in RO).

The tax will be 10%, on the value of the transactions, writes the online publication. The government wants to introduce a special tax for energy and gas traders, to be levied on the value of transactions, but it is unclear whether it will apply to each transaction or to the profit from a gain on a double transaction to buy and then re-sell a quantity of electricity and natural gas.

The tax would be applied for as long as the announced gas and energy consumer protection measures are in place. As such, it could be paid for 12 month starting from April 1st. The Energy Minister Virgil Popescu referred on Monday to “new support measures for the population and the business environment, which come into force from 1 April 2022”: They were previously announced without details by Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă.

No official document on these measures is yet available for public debate.

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