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Gavrilă: Renewables were declared guilty of imbalances, but the network is becoming unbearable

13 September 2024

The wind industry and renewables in general have been singled out as the main cause of imbalances in the system, but they are equally the ones that are currently suffering terribly from this aspect of the grid becoming almost unsustainable, he said. on Thursday, in a specialized conference, the vice-president of the Romanian Wind Energy Association (RWEA), Liviu Gavrilă.

“Recent history shows us that there is this leverage of assuming things. In the meantime, there have been some huge problems in the market. A dry year like this and a year in which the wind didn’t blow much showed us how fragile the system is , and why an integrated approach is needed.The wind industry and renewables in general have been pointed to as the main challengers of imbalances, but they are also suffering terribly from this aspect of the grid at the moment. which becomes almost unbearable. That is, from the point of view of the integration of all types of wind energy production, in conjunction with the elements of transport and consumption, we will somehow have to change the paradigm. If we continue like this, yes you know that little by little some of these players that are in the market are not going to reach their destination because the costs are so high right now in the market balancing area… Everyone is waiting for this means of of September, let’s see how July closes. This CFD auction is coming up and we hope that the gigawatt related to the wind industry will be allocated at a competitive price. Financing a wind project is far from easy,” said Gavrila, according to Agerpres.

In the view of the RWEA specialist, compared to 2023, the energy sector in Romania is “a little better” this year.

“First of all, I want to make an assessment regarding the Ministry of Energy: paradoxically, you know that things there prove that they still work. The problem is with that element that says it is a necessary condition, but not sufficient. We still have many other institutions which are directly or indirectly involved in the implementation of a project that we consider to be rather hindering us. How are we compared to 2023? A little better, in the light of the CfD calendar already announced (… ) Finally, we’ve started construction on a few projects, in the order of hundreds of megawatts right now, versus the 70 megawatts that we’ve commissioned in 2023. I think if we look at that ratio, we’re talking at least eight gigawatts, although our estimate was 11, which we have to have by 2030. How are we going to do it? It’s going to be challenging to say the least, because we’re going to reach the convergence level in the last two to three years and we’re going to hit the same things : lack of human resources, lack of implementation capacity and a bunch of other things in the 12th hour,” claimed the energy expert.

According to him, the entire energy mix must bring stability to the energy system, but for that all the gears must work together.

“It is necessary, however, for certain things related to some strategic elements, to have some kind of arbitration, coordination, so that they (companies, n.r.) can work, because otherwise, if we point the finger from the department X at department Y, I’m afraid that in two or three years, when we’ll already have some gigawatts, we might have the same discussions about the network, about imbalances, about interconnection, about all these problems, I think that there is very little time left until carbon dioxide and the related cost are going to affect us all at an amplitude that is very difficult for us to understand. They are all converging in that direction. We understand stability and safety and sustainability, but e more is needed, and in order to reach the most, all this mix and all this gearing, which will mean both gas and hydro, and absolutely all these elements that come to give stability to the system, need to work together,” emphasized Liviu Gavrilă.

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