Acasă » Oil&Gas » Transportation » GDF SUEZ will investment about 100 million lei in network refurbishment

GDF SUEZ will investment about 100 million lei in network refurbishment

3 August 2015

GDF SUEZ Energy Romania announced that its gas distribution subsidiary Distrigaz Sud Networks will run in August a few projects to modernize the gas distribution network in two projects financed with European funds.

Estimated total value of the work done under the project “Modernization of the gas network – Increased operational safety of natural gas distribution networks in Bucharest by upgrading cathode unprotected steel pipes” is about 97.5 million lei, of which over 81.1 million secured by own funds and the remaining, about 16.36 million lei, by financial assistance grant accessed through the Sectoral Operational Program “Increase of Economic Competitiveness”, writes Bursa.

Thus, in August, Distrigaz Sud Networks has ongoing projects in order to increase the reliability of the natural gas networks by replacing steel pipes, cathode unprotected, with polyethylene pipes. The project will be done on sections totaling 25 kilometers of network, according to a press release to Bursa.

Also in August, will be conducted projects for modernization of gas network, whose objective is to increase the technical capacity of the natural gas distribution system in Bucharest through development of the medium pressure gas grid. These works, amounting to a total length of about 26 kilometers, will allow helping the natural gas supply during the cold season by increasing pressure regime and reducing the number of temporary disruption for emergency and repairs of distribution network.

The estimated total value of work done in this project is about 65.95 million lei, of which about 49.5 million lei secured from own funds and the remaining 16.44 million lei accessed through the Sectoral Operational Program “Increase of Economic Competitiveness”.

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