Acasă » Oil&Gas » Exploration & production » Government to offer facilities in obtaining visas for foreigners who will work in the Romanian offshore

Government to offer facilities in obtaining visas for foreigners who will work in the Romanian offshore

3 September 2016
Exploration & production
Gabriel Avăcăriței

The foreigners who will work in the Romanian offshore exploitation-development activities of the natural resources, will obtain the right of entry and residence in Romania much easier, based on the short-stay visa with multiple entries for business. A draft Government decision published on the website of the ministry of Energy, provides the grant of short-term facilities in this regard.

The decision is aimed at the foreigners who will carry out activities on the offshore installations “in a maritime area of economic exploitation, exclusive of the Romanian state, for legal Romanian or foreign entities, performing exploitation-development activities of the natural resources from the territorial sea, the contiguous area, the economical are exclusive of the Romanian state “.

The visa will be granted for a period between 1 and 5 years, respecting the length of stay of maximum 90 days, during any period of 180 days

With the occasion of changing the foreign personnel involved in activities on offshore installations, “the Romanian legal entities will inform the National Visa Center, by an address, in original copy, with the list of personnel attached, regarding the continuation of the exploration-development activities of the natural resources from the territorial sea, the contiguous area or the exclusive economic zone of the Romanian state “.

Autor: Gabriel Avăcăriței

A journalist experienced with both old and new media, Gabriel has been the editor in chief of Energynomics since 2013. His great command in communication, organizing information and publishing are put to work every working day in order to develop all the projects of the Energynomics B2B communication platform: website, magazine, and own-events.


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