Power and as suppliers for household customers are those who have requested adoption of GEO 114/2018 and they benefit from its application, said Niculae Havrilet, Energy Minister’s advisor and former president of the National Authority of Energy Regulation – ANRE, in a conference organized by the Bursa. „The ordinance was requested by those who win because of it. As we have an energy mix, we also have a mix of interests. As about those who win, they are not here (at the debate – e.n). Here they are those who lose because of the GEO, those who win are not present. On the win side are also those who benefit from having the regulated market and from having their income secured. They are the big winners, also because they secured their market share frozen”, he said.
„It was the gas suppliers I had in mind. They get back some costs if the regulated market is re-introduced. They may ask for the recovery of some of the capital costs they have incurred after privatization. They were also more vocal when they asked for cost recovery measures”, Havrileţ explained few hours later for e-nergia.ro.
Representatives of the Romanian Energy Center, the renewable energy producers, the Oltenia Energy Complex, the Romanian Commodities Exchange, Elcen, Electrica and Romgaz also attended the Bursa debate.
Household consumers are also among the winners, because they were protected, too, Havrileţ added. „Why had this ordinance to be adopted? It was needed because during the last year the market operated in an unpredictable manner, because some of the fundamental characteristics of the liberalized market were not fulfilled. Vulnerable consumer mechanism did not work, and also other regulations, other mechanisms that were supposed to regulate themselves within a liberalized market”, said the Energy Ministry representative.