HENRO energy producers reaffirm their commitment to contribute to the development of the electricity market, in accordance with the principles set out in European and national law, and appreciate the fair and transparent dialogue with the authorities with stakeholders.
However, the electricity producers with majority state capital, which fall under the provisions of GEO no. 27/2022 on the measures applicable to final customers in the electricity and natural gas market between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023, as well as for the amendment and the completion of some energy regulations expresses the surprise that, through secondary legislation, ANRE limits the right of some producers to participate with initiating offers on the market of large customers and establishes obligations that contravene European legislation.
The Regulation on the organized framework for contracting electricity by large final customers, approved on 31 March, reintroduces market regulation only for network operators who can purchase energy to cover their own technological consumption, at prices that are recognized by the Authority and in quantities representing about 10% of the national electricity production, to the detriment of other market participants.
Introducing the right to initiate a takeover bid only by network operators, without this possibility, also by producers with majority state capital, which have varying production costs, depending on the production technology and primary energy resource used, which have limited available quantities constitute discriminatory treatment, including against other large electricity customers which would fall within the consumption limit set by the Regulation.
”We consider that the provisions of this Regulation, in a completely different form from the initial proposal submitted by producers and large industrial customers, run counter to the purpose of this approach, namely to support the viability of certain economic sectors and to preserve jobs for employees in large enterprises. did not escalate the unemployment rate in a difficult period for the national economy and the citizens of Romania.”
HENRO represents electricity producers that exploit production capacities of over 8,000 MW, providing over 70% of Romania’s annual electricity consumption, with prospects of completing new production capacities.