The 6th edition of the energynomics Awards for excellence in energy celebrated the winners for 2018! Once again, the communication platform awarded the most meritorious companies, projects and personalities in the Romanian energy industry. Varinia Radu, founder and executive manager of the publisher Wing Media Energy Consulting, opened the Gala for energy, held in the Marble Hall of the National Military Center, in Bucharest.
Three keynote speakers had discourses on 2018 results and hot topics for the next year: Niculae Havrileţ, personal adviser of the Minister of Energy Anton Anton, Julian Popov, Fellow of the European Climate Foundation, László Gyerkó, counselor and member of the Plenum of the Competition Council.
- Niculae Havrileț
- Julian Popov
- László Gyerkó
- Varinia Radu
The Gala evening was a warm celebration of the winners of energynomics Awards for each of the 9 categories. This year’s Jury members were: Alexandru Pătruţi (counselor CNR-CME), Elena Popescu (general director, Ministry of Energy), Ionuţ Purica (Romanian Academy), Radu Bădiță (General Secretary of ANRE), Sorin Elisei (manager Deloitte România), Valeriu Binig (partner EY România), Vasile Iuga (independent expert).
Corporate Social Responsibility – CE Oltenia
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The Award for Corporate Social Responsibility went to CE Oltenia, for the “Dual education” vocational training program for more than 140 young people. Other candidate projects came from CE Oltenia – Decontamination technologies, CEZ Romania – Good Generators, CEZ Romania – Marathon of Oltenia, NIS Petrol – Growing Rural Romania, OMV Petrom – Technology for the students from the Academy of Economic Studies..
Energy efficiency – Electric buses in Cluj-Napoca
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Cluj-Napoca is the first city in Romania to own and operate a fleet of electric buses for the transport of citizens. The other nominations at this category came from CEZ Romania, Râmnicu Vâlcea City Hall, Romgaz, Rompetrol, University of Craiova.
Outstanding development – Record profitability for Hidroelectrica
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The Outstanding development award went to Hidroelectrica SA, for the outstanding financial results obtained by Hidroelectrica in 2017, supported by the increased profitability in 2018. Other nominated organizations at this category were CE Oltenia, CEZ Romania, Electrica Group, Enel, NIS Petrol, Ringhel.
Deal of the Year – Transgaz took over Vestmoldtransgaz
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The award for Deal of the Year went to Transgaz, which through its branch in the Republic of Moldova, Eurotransgaz SRL, won the tender for the privatization of the Vestmoldtransgaz State Enterprise. Other nominated companies at this category were Mazarine Energy, MET Group, Monsson Operation.
Financing of the Year – EximBank
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The award for Financing of the Year went to for the 150 million lei grant from EximBank to one of the largest Romanian contractors for energy projects, Romelectro. Other nominations at this category were Banca Comercială Română, BERD, Raiffeisen Bank.
IN MEMORIAM Amb. Mihnea Constantinescu
Probably the most intense moment of the evening was the tribute to HE Ambassador Mihnea Constantinescu. HE Victor Micula, State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, spoke about the determining role played by Amb. Mihnea Constantinescu in the Romanian energy diplomacy, as well as about the formative influence HE had on several generations of senior state officials in the last decades. Alex Șerban, a non-resident Senior Fellow, Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security Atlantic Council, has delivered an official, but warm-hearted message from the Atlantic Council, outlining an outstanding profile of HE Amb. Mihnea Constantinescu. announced the introduction of a new award category, starting 2019: Distinguished Public Service Award “Mihnea Constantinescu”. The award will be presented to an individual who best demonstrates dedication, efficiency and effectiveness in public service, for increased public awareness, for outstanding performance in public administration or by promoting important legal and policy framework relevant for the energy field.
- Victor Micula
- Alex Șerban
Best Newcomer – EDPR Romania
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The award for Deal of the Year was awarded to EDPR Romania, for the first energy storage station powered by renewable sources in Romania. Other nominated companies at this category were Ecovis Ciurtin & Asociații, Green Spots, Haptic R&D Consulting, OMV Petrom, Ringhel.
Executive of the Year – Bogdan Badea, Chairman of the Hidroelectrica Directorate
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The award for the Executive of the Year went this year to Mr. Bogdan Badea, Chairman of the Hidroelectrica Directorate, for the the outstanding financial results obtained by Hidroelectrica in the years 2017-2018. Other nominated executives were Alina Popa – OMV Petrom Global Solutions SRL, Cosmin Ghiță – Nuclearelectrica, Petre Stroe – MET România Energy, Sorin Boza – CE Oltenia.
- Ion Lungu
- Mihai Toader-Pasti
- Alexandru Pătruți
- Adriana Grecu
- Corina Popescu
- Elena Popescu
- Radu Bădiță
- Valeriu Binig
- Ionuț Purica
Lifetime Achievement Award – Ion Lungu
The Lifetime Achievement Award went to Mr. Ion Lungu, AFEER – the Romanian Electricity Suppliers Association.
Young Energy Professional – Mihai Toader-Pasti – FEL CNR-CME, EFdeN
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Mihai Toader-Pasti (FEL CNR-CME) for his crucial contribution to representing Romania at the most important international solar competition Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018, as co-founder and CEO of EFdeN. Mihai received the statuette from Mrs. Corina Popescu, CEO of Electrica SA. Other nominated young professionals were Andreea Ioana Ilie (SIER), Andrei Stoian (CE Oltenia), Constantin Ion Cosmin (SIER), Laura-Andreea Marin and Andreea Obreja (OMV Petrom).
Among the over 150 participants at the 2018 energynomics Awards Gala there were representatives of top companies and organizations such as ABB România, Academia Română, Adrem, AFEER, Ambasada Bulgariei, Ambasada Iordaniei, ANRE, ANRM, AON România, Balkan and Black Sea Petroleum Association, BCR, Camera de Comert si Industrie Romano Germana, CAPOS, CE Oltenia, CIS-GAZ, CMS Cameron McKenna, CNR-CME, CONPET, Consiliul Concurenței, CRE, CTP Cluj Napoca, EATON, ECA Regulatory, EDPR, EFdeN, Electrica SA, Emerson, Enel, Enel Smartastic Lab, Energy Review, Enevo, Euro Grup, European Climate Foundation, EximBank, ExxonMobil, EY, FPPG, Garanti Bank, General Investigation, Hidroelectrica, Hunt Oil, Jereh, Lubexpert, MAE, Marsh, Mazarine, Mega Company, MET, Ministerul Energiei, NIS Petrol, NNDKP, Phoenix Contact, Photon Energy, Ringhel, Romgaz, ROPEPCA, RRA, Schneider Electric, Guvernul României, Serban & Musneci, Siemens, SIER Tineret, Sixt, SMA, SOCAR, Societatea Inginerilor de Petrol si Gaze, Stratum Enclosures, Transgaz, Univers Ingineresc.
Since 2013, the awards offered by have as a primary role to provide the energy community in Romania with successful models, aspirational benchmarks and case studies from exceptional organizations and personalities. This year’s Gala was supported by: AON România, Electrica, Emerson Ridgid, Enel România, Hidroelectrica, MET România Energy, NIS Petrol, Nuclearelectrica, OMV Petrom, Petrotel LUKOIL, Romgaz.
2018 energynomics Awards were supported by our strategic partners ACUE, AFEER, AIIR, ARBIO, Camera de Comerț Româno-Germană, EfdeN, EPG, ROPEPCA, RPIA, RWEA.
Media monitoring partner: Klarmedia
Beverages offered by: Domeniile Sâmburești, Aqua Carpatica, Crama Histria.