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Here are the winners of the VIIIth edition of the Energynomics Awards Gala!

7 December 2020
Don't miss!

The energy community in Romania celebrated the results of the industry at the 8th edition of the Energynomics Awards! Once again, the communication platform Energynomics organized the annual Gala for awarding the most deserving companies, projects and personalities of the year in energy. Niculae Havrilet, State Secretary at the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment, and Bogdan Chiritoiu, President of the Competition Council, opened the energy Gala evening, held LIVE ONLINE.

This year, the jury was composed of: Alexandru Pătruți, CNR-CME advisor, Ionuț Purica, IPE – Romanian Academy expert, Sorin Elisei, Deloitte Romania, Radu Dudău, co-founder and director EPG, Vasile Iuga, independent expert, Oana Mogoi, Sector Head Utilities & Natural Resources, ING Bank România.

ALSO READ Bogdan Chirițoiu: At the end of this year or at the beginning of next year we will finish the investigation against Hidroelectrica

The evening included the presentation of the new line of activity – Energynomics Learning Center – proposed by Energynomics, a dialogue between Varinia Radu, founder and CEO of Energynomics, and Victor Șomfăleanu, CEO of Europe Link (see the recording), and the intervention of Corina Murafa, Co-Director Global Planet & Climate (see the recording).

Best Corporate Citizen – Electrica SA

See the other CANDIDATE PROJECTS for this category!

The Social Responsibility Award was won by Electrica SA, for the initiatives to fight against the effects of the Covid-9 pandemic and for the continuation of the Grants program “Electrica puts Romania in a new light”. At this category were nominated 12 candidates, most of which were obtained by FPPG – Gaz de România, CEZ Romania – #energiepentrubine, OMV Petrom – We reconfigure the route in a pandemic, CEZ Romania – Apprentice Electrician.

Energy efficiency – ENGIE Romania

See all the CANDIDATE PROJECTS for this category!

The project developed by ENGIE Romania Microcogeneration at the Steaua de Mare Hotel Complex won the award for Energy Efficiency this year. In this category were nominated six candidates, of which received the most votes from ENGIE Romania – Photovoltaic plant for Swisscaps Romania, Bjorn Heizung – Energy efficiency at the Technological High School “Mihai Eminescu” Dumbrăveni (Suceava County), MOL Romania – Energy efficiency in MOL Romania gas stations, CEZ Vânzare – Photovoltaic Systems for #acasa.

Financing / Investing of the year – Transgaz

The award for the Financing Investment of the year was won by Transgaz for finalising the €479 million worth project BRUA 1.

Executive of the Year – Franck Neel, FPPG


The Executive of the Year Award was won by Franck Neel, the president of the Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation – FPPG, for how the consolidation of the Federation through joint projects with the major players in the O&G industry. In this category Cosmin Ghiță – Nuclearelectrica, Sabin Posea – Eximprod, Sebastian Călugăr– CIS GAZ were also nominated.

Best new-comer / Best turn-around – Electrica Furnziare

The award for the Best New-Comer of the year went to Electrica Furnizare for the acquisition of the Stănești photovoltaic park, marking the entry of the group into the renewable power generation segment. Among the projects nominated were #better Habitation course, Chinook Consulting Services – The first commercial horizontal directional drilling project in Romania, Distribuție Energy Oltenia – Advanced digitization programs, Nova Power & Gas – for innovation and simplification in the process of contracting energy services, partnerg-i Energy Consultants – the first Romanian consulting company in the acquisition of energy services..

Deal of the year – Macquarie European Infrastructure Fund

See all the CANDIDATE PROJECTS for this category!

Macquarie European Infrastructure Fund won the Deal of the Year award, for the acquisition of the main operations of CEZ in Romania. Dacian Petroleum and Electrica Furnizare were also among the nominated.

Outstanding Development – Enevo Group

See all the CANDIDATE PROJECTS for this category!

For the construction of a 132kV power station, a turnkey project in the Kuwait Joint Operation Area, Saudi Arabia, Enevo Group was rewarded with the Award for Outstanding Results. Other nominations came from CIS GAZ and Electrica Furnizare.

Lifetime Achievement Award – Ștefan Gadola, Ioan Socea, Pal Peter, founders of EnergoBit group

The Lifetime Achievement Award was awarded to the founders of the EnergoBit group – Ștefan Gadola, Ioan Socea, Pal Peter – for 30 years of activity of EnergoBit – 30 years of excellence in the energy industry.

Young Energy Professional – Radu Marcu, Distribuție Oltenia, CEZ România group

See all the CANDIDATES for this category!

Engineer Radu Marcu, a graduate of the Faculty of Automatica, Computers and Applied Electronics in Craiova, promotion 2014, showed a special inclination for the implementation of new technologies, from the first contact with Distribuție Oltenia. Shortly, he became responsible for monitoring the automatic import processes of billing readings and validating the implausible reading lists. Since 2015 Radu has been involved in the pilot project 3 AMM to install over 20 thousand smart meters in Craiova, a project which opened up his professional development prospects. Until 2020, Radu Marcu coordinated testing activities new solutions from BPL to PLC, interoperable technologies G3 and Prime, meters from various international manufacturers, actively participating in defining the PRIME solution as an acceptable solution for Distribuție Oltenia in the implementation of smart meters. Other nominations in this category were Adrian Vintilă (CEZ Romania) and Andrei Erghelegiu (Eximprod).

Since 2013, the Energynomics Awards enjoy the support and trust of the most reputed institutions and associations of local energy. The Energynomics Awards project is proposed and organized by Wing Media Energy Consulting, through and its partners: CEZ România, Chinook Consulting Services, CIS GAZ, ENGIE România, Electrica Serv, ING Bank, Megaconstruct, MET România Energy, Nuclearelectrica, Romgaz.

Strategic partners for Energynomics Awards 2019: ACUE, ARBIO, AFEER, AIIR, ARPEE, CNR-CME, EFdeN, EPG, FPPG, PATRES, ROEC, ROPEPCA, RPIA, RWEA, RBSTA.

Monitoring partner: Klarmedia

Over 2.000 people assisted the 2020 Energynomics Awards Gala, representatives of organizations such as Aviva SRL, 3Seas Investment Fund, AlphaBlock, Alpiq, ANRE, Aponergy SAS, ARSC, Aspen Institute Romania, Axpo Energy Romania, Business France, BusinessMark, Centrul Roman al Energiei, CEZ Trade Romania, Chinook Consulting Services, Cluj Innovation Park, CNR-CME, CONAF Bucuresti, Coproform SRL, Ecoenergy LLC, EFdeN, Electrica SA, Electrocentrale Bucuresti SA, Electrotehnica Consult SRL, Enel X Romania, Energie Finanzierung und Kapital, EnergoBit, Energoconsult, Energy Distribution Services, ENGIE Romania, EPG, Erste Group, Eximprod Grup SA, Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti, FPPG, Geological Institute of Romania, Global Studies Center, Greencells, Hidroelectrica, IBN, ICI Bucharest, INCDTIM Cluj-Napoca, ING Bank, Institutul de Eenergetică, International Wind Energy Botosani SRL, Intrarom, Klarwin, Linde, LSG Building Solutions, MEN Industry Group, MFE, Michelin, Mitsubishi Corporation, MMC, partnerg-i Energy Consultants, Photomate, RADET Constanta, Rominterface Impex, Rompetrol Rafinare, Prefab, EFAB SA, Siemens, Transgaz, Somplast, Tractebel Engineering, Transelectrica, Transylvania Energy Cluster, Universitatea Petrol Gaze Ploiesti, Vestra Industry, Yokogawa.

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