Individual investors subscribed 11.8 million Hidroelectrica shares, meaning that the retail tranche (15% of the offer) was covered, until Wednesday around 9 o’clock. At the same time, retail subscriptions amount to 264 million euros, according to Financialintelligence.
Individual investors that subscribe in the first five days (until Thursday) will benefit from a 3% discount compared to the final price of the offer.
The offer for the sale of Hidroelectrica shares began on Friday, after the Council of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) approved, in the meeting dated 22.06.2023, the prospectus related to the public offer for sale for a number of up to 78,007,110 shares representing 17.34% of the total number of shares issued by Hidroelectrica – the issuing company.
The indicative range of the Offer Price was set between 94 RON and 112 RON per Offered Share (“Offer Price Range”), which corresponds to a market capitalization of 42.3 billion RON to 50.4 billion RON (from EUR 8.5 billion to EUR 10.2 billion).