Hidroelectrica’s Supervisory Board extended the management’s mandate for another five months, according to information previously published “according to sources” by Energynomics.
Thus, during the meeting on October 3, 2023, the Supervisory Board decided to appoint “Mr. Bogdan-Nicolae Badea, as a provisional member of the Hidroelectrica Directorate and President of the Directorate (alternatively also called Executive Director or Chief Executive Officer – CEO ); of Mr. Cristian Vladoianu, in the position of provisional member of the Hidroelectrica Directorate, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO); of Mr. Marian Bratu, in the position of provisional member of the Hidroelectrica Directorate, Chief Operation Officer (COO); of Mr. Răzvan Ionuț-Pataliu, in the position of provisional member of the Hidroelectrica Directorate, Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) and of Mr. Andrei-Dominic Gerea, in the position of provisional member of the Hidroelectrica Directorate, Chief Financial Officer (CFO); starting on October 7, 2023, for a period of 5 months or until the appointment of new members of the Hidroelectrica Directorate selected under the conditions provided by GEO 109/2011 on corporate governance of public enterprises, approved with amendments and additions by Law 111/2016 , if the selection is completed before the mentioned term”.
Hidroelectrica has in hand a new management selection campaign according to GEO 119. This will respect the principles of corporate governance and will include the selection of managers for four-year mandates.
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