Bogdan Tudorache
Hidroelectrica announced the approval of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders for April 14 to decide the approval of the company’s participation in the sale of CEZ assets.
Thus, the convener stipulates “the approval of the preparation and submission of an undertaking offer of SPEEH Hidroelectrica SA, alone for the entire perimeter of the transaction or in consortium, within the deadline requested by CEZ, in the process of sale (M&A) of CEZ Romania Group, subject to the subsequent approval of it by the General Meeting of Shareholders.”
Hidroelectrica’s management has previously announced the intention to purchase the CEZ wind farm, but the convener does not specify the assets concerned.
At the same time, it is foreseen the approval of a credit application from the market “for acquisitions of participations in order to diversify the portfolio”. Also, the establishment of the HENRO Electricity Producers Association is provided, where Hidroelectrica is a founding member.