Hidroelectrica is in the process of taking over the main assets of Uzina Constructoare de Mașini (UCM) Reșita, the oldest industrial unit in Romania, established in 1771 and insolvent since December 2011. The value of the transaction is of almost 68 million lei, according to Profit.ro.
Targeted are two platforms of the UCM, for which Hidroelectrica is the main customer.
The first of these, the ABC platform, has sections of heavy mechanics, turbines and spare parts, electric machines and heat treatments, and the second, Câlnicel, has sections of welded assemblies and electric machines, as well as a maintenance department.
In 2022, the contracts with Hidroelectrica and its maintenance subsidiary, Hidroserv, had a cumulative weight of over 53% in the turnover of UCM Reșita.