The unemployment rate in Romania rose to 5.2% in May 2020, at the level of the first part of 2017, the unemployment rate for men being 2.1 percentage points higher than for women, informs, on Thursday, in a press release, National Institute of Statistics.
“The unemployment rate in May 2020 increased at the level of 3 years ago (first part of 2017), respectively by 0.4 percentage points compared to the previous month (5.2 compared to 4.8%),” states INS, according to Agerpres.
The estimated number of the unemployed (aged 15-74) for May 2020 was of 463,000 people, up from the previous month (432,000 people) and the same month last year (352,000 people). The number of unemployed aged 25-74 represents 74.9% of the total number of unemployed estimated for May 2020.