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Ion Sterian: TSOs should benefit from a higher regulated rate than distributors

26 July 2024

Energy transmission operators, both natural gas and electricity, should benefit from a differentiated regulated rate of return (RRR), higher than that of distributors, because the level of investment and challenges are incomparably greater, he believes the general director of Transgaz, Ion Sterian, according to Gândul.

The point of view of the head of Transgaz comes after the energy operators communicated, in an informal meeting with the press, that they support the adoption of a differentiated rate of return for natural gas, compared to electricity. The positions are expressed in the context in which the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) has published a new proposal for the RRR value, which is in an advanced phase before approval for the fifth regulatory period.

Ion Sterian argues that a higher rate of return is necessary not only for natural gas, in relation to electricity, but for natural gas and energy transmission operators, because the investments are much more significant than those of distributors.

It is basically about recognizing a greater share of costs for strategic investments, which are ongoing or in the investment plan.

The head of Transgaz confirmed that he had discussions with ANRE management officials for the recognition of 2.2 billion lei and, for the moment, obtained an increase to 1.8 billion lei, from the initial version of 1.5 billion lei, but negotiations and analysis continue.



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