Acasă » Thermo » Mining » Marcel Boloș: We have 2.5 bln. euro so that the Romanians who worked in mining or refining have a job

Marcel Boloș: We have 2.5 bln. euro so that the Romanians who worked in mining or refining have a job

24 March 2023

By the end of this year, all 87 calls for projects with funding through the Just Transition Fund will be launched, responding to the investment needs defined at the level of the territorial plans for a just transition developed for the counties of Gorj, Hunedoara, Dolj, Galați, Prahova and Mureș. The first calls will be opened in the second quarter of this year and are aimed at investments for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises that support sustainable growth and job creation, through the granting of grants.

The Just Transition Program (PJT), whose eligible area covers six counties in Romania (Gorj, Hunedoara, Dolj, Galați, Prahova and Mureș), benefits from a budget of 2.53 billion euros.

The first calls for projects out of the 87 funded through PTJ will be launched in the second quarter of 2023.

“The problem that these counties will face is the loss of jobs following the closure or transformation of some dominant activities in the local economy. The adverse effects of the transition affect to a greater extent the vulnerable categories, accentuating social inequalities and extreme poverty. I will give you an example of Hunedoara and Valea Jiului. The population of the area is strongly affected by the decline of the mining industry and exposed to risks due to a low economic development that does not allow attracting investors. Moreover, it determines the lack of positive development on all important levels that contribute to the quality of life, especially education, medical services and social assistance.

“Precisely for this reason, the investments financed by the program aim at economic diversification from an environmental point of view, especially of the small and medium-sized productive entrepreneurial sector, to increase the competitiveness and the capacity of the affected local economies to generate sustainable, safe and high-quality jobs attractive salary. The financing granted through the PTJ represents a new start towards economic development and modernization, especially given that the investments will be supplemented by other operational programs related to the 2021-2027 period and through the PNRR,” said Minister Marcel Boloș.

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