Black Sea Oil and Gas (BSOG) will complete its first gas project at the Black Sea by the end of this year, while investing up to now about 600 million USD in the project, Mark Beacom, CEO of the company tells Energynomics. ”We are now in the execution phase of the Midia Gas Development Project and so far, we reached an overall completion of 70%,” says Beacom.
”Laying the subsea pipeline, installing the jacket at Ana location and uncrossing the shore area with the gas pipeline are already completed. The outlook for the following period includes completing the fabrication of the Ana topside, the installation of the topside onto the jacket at the Ana location in the Black Sea and drilling of the five production wells. The remainder of the onshore activities, including the Gas Treatment Plant and onshore pipeline, are expected to be completed by Q4 2021 with the first production of gas expected to occur in Q4 2021,” he adds.
”Additionally, BSOG is investigating the potential use of the MGD Project infrastructure to accommodate other producers’ gas discoveries and to pursue green energy projects both during and after the production life of the Ana and Doina gas fields in the MGD Project,” also says Beacom.
The full interview with Mr. Mark Beacom will be published in the next edition of Energynomics Magazine to be launched on June 8th.