Acasă » Electricity » Nuclear » Moldova will buy electricity from Nuclearelectrica, from October

Moldova will buy electricity from Nuclearelectrica, from October

19 September 2024

SA Energocom announced on September 18 that starting next month it will procure electricity produced by the Cernavodă Nuclear Power Plant in Romania. The amount of electricity to be procured is 10 MW, the price of which is 400 RON/MWh.

The representatives of the company, fully owned by the Chisinau government, announced that they have reserved part of the monthly capacity for October in order to purchase electricity from Nuclearelectrica, which owns the Cernavodă Nuclear Power Plant in Romania, according to Europa Libera Moldova.

As part of this procedure, a bank guarantee was submitted, followed by participation in an auction organized by Romania’s transmission system operator, Transelectrica, after which SA Energocom was declared the winner.

“Thus, the reservation of the monthly capacity for the first time takes place in compliance with EU regulations, a similar procedure used in the case of daily capacity allocation procedures with the synchronization of the Republic of Moldova to the continental European ENTSO-E system, in March 2022,” the press release states.

The company says that starting in October it will procure 10 MW of bandwidth (24/24 interval), and in the coming months the amount could increase depending on internal needs. The price of one MWh supplied by Nuclearelectrica is 400 RON, being capped by the Romanian government.

A year ago, the state company “Energocom” and the national company from Romania “Nuclearelectrica” ​​signed, on July 18, a memorandum of understanding to see what the options are for the Republic of Moldova to receive nuclear energy from units 3 and 4 of the Cernavodă nuclear power plant, which are to be put into operation in the coming years.

Energocom also bought electricity from Nuclearelectrica between October 2022 and April 2023.

The Republic of Moldova and Ukraine urgently synchronized their energy systems with the continental one (ENTSO-E) in March 2022.


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