The OPCOM Stock Exchange will become independent and will provide sophisticated instruments, such as derivatives, told sources in the market. Thus, OPCOM will have a central counterpart, established together with the Bucharest Stock Exchange, which will ensure the fluidity and liquidity of the transactions. As a matter of fact, the BSE has already initiated the procedure for setting up its own Central Counterpart entity, a fact mentioned in the euro adoption plan needed to secure derivative transactions.
„It’s a good idea, especially in conjunction with the idea of making a central counterpart with the Stock Exchange. It’s a good thing. The stock exchanges must always be independent – as a general principle,” commented Martin Moise, Vice-President of PATRES.
The BSE has already allocated 10 million euros to the new entity, which would manage offsetting of stock exchanges and allow for short sales or margin sales. The OPCOM market is currently subordinated to the network operator, Transelectrica.