Acasă » Renewables » solar » Photon Energy connects the 7.5 MWp solar plant Făget 3 to the grid

Photon Energy connects the 7.5 MWp solar plant Făget 3 to the grid

17 September 2024
Bogdan Tudorache

Photon Energy Engineering Romania – Group’s Romanian subsidiary dedicated to engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services – has completed and grid-connected another photovoltaic (PV) power plant in the Romanian market. The power plant has a generation capacity of 7.5 MWp.

“We are proud to have expanded our portfolio of operating solar PV assets by an additional 7.5 MWp in Romania,” said Georg Hotar, CEO of Photon Energy Group. “This latest addition is particularly exciting as it’s our largest to date. It rounds our portfolio expansion in Romania up to a total of twelve power plants with a total installed capacity of 48.4 MWp and increases our global total to 100 units and the combined capacity to 140.3 MWp.”

Located near Făget (Timiș County), the power plant extends over 9.1 hectares of greenfield land and is equipped with a total of 12,216 high-efficiency bifacial PV modules mounted on single-axis trackers. This is our third PV power plant in this location, with a total installed capacity of 14.6 MWp.

The total annual production of the new power plant is expected to be around 11.1 GWh, which is equivalent to 7.9% of the production of the Group’s proprietary portfolio last year. The Făget 3 PV power plant will deliver clean energy to the grid managed by Rețele Electrice Banat. The electricity generated will be sold on the energy market on a merchant basis, without any governmental support or a power purchase agreement with an energy off-taker.

The Company’s IPP (Independent Power Producer) portfolio now includes 100 solar power plants, with a combined generation capacity of 140.3 MWp. An additional 3.2 MWp in Sărulești, Romania is currently being commissioned and is expected to increase the IPP portfolio to 143.5 MWp before year-end.



Autor: Bogdan Tudorache

Active in the economic and business press for the past 26 years, Bogdan graduated Law and then attended intensive courses in Economics and Business English. He went up to the position of editor-in-chief since 2006 and has provided management and editorial policy for numerous economic publications dedicated especially to the community of foreign investors in Romania. From 2003 to 2013 he was active mainly in the financial-banking sector. He started freelancing for Energynomics in 2013, notable for his advanced knowledge of markets, business communities and a mature editorial style, both in Romanian and English.

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