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Monitor of the Romanian Photovoltaic Projects



About the report

As the energy large-scale deployment is underway, we help you to keep up with the evolution of new (and existing) projects. This up-to-date information will help you to orient yourself in a most dynamic landscape.

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What’s inside

  • A synthetic overview of the present state and estimated developments of the large scale PV projects in Romania
  • We monitor over 850 factsheets of larger than 5 MW utility scale PV projects
  • Each description includes the project size, location and estimated commissioning date
  • Each project is labeled based on in its readiness level
  • We monitor the companies involved in each projects
  • 20+ infographics highlighting the most relevant characteristics of the sector


For the detailed Monitor PV report, please request a customized offer at [email protected] or at tel: 0722 19 19 28.


Author Gabriel Avăcăriței, Chief Editor Energynomics

Romania has set ambitious targets for developing renewable energy sources, including solar power. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of large-scale PV projects in Romania, covering project details, readiness levels, key players, and the overall impact on the energy sector and the environment.

Author George Niculescu, President ANREInstalled capacity in electricity generation capacity is 18.3 GW.

The installed capacities in the main renewable technologies are about 3 GW in wind sources, representing a share of the total installed capacity of 16.39%, and about 1.6 GW in photovoltaic sources, with a share of 8.88% of the total installed capacity.

Author Mihaela Mihăilescu, Deputy Head for Romania at EBRD

The EBRD is a leading provider of green finance, having committed to making at least 50 percent of its financing in the green arena by 2025, a target it has met for the past three years in Romania.

Author Irene Mihai, Policy Officer, RPIA

While timid trends in the development of a value chain in Romania have been observed since 2010-2014, none of the 166 European companies producing various components and technologies necessary for the photovoltaic industry are based or operate in Romania, which is an economic and strategic disadvantage.

Author Varinia Radu, Partner CMS, Head of Energy and Projects, România și Ramona Dulamea, Counsel, CMS

The last three years put Romania back on the map of the RES investments with an unprecedented appetite from global investors accounting to more than 30 GW of projects under development, some being among the largest in Europe in terms of planned size.

Author Zoltan Nagy-Bege, Energy Market Department Director Ciga Energy

For investors in the renewable energy sector without operating experience in Romania, one of the crucial unknowns is related to the balancing activity and the costs of balancing of their intermittent energy production. Balancing costs can vary quite a lot depending on the markets in which the producer participates, his behavior, or the way of trading on the energy markets, but also on the forecasts used by renewable energy producers.

Author WirenPro

There is one number that every investor in solar energy is chasing: The Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) of their solar farm. Before installing their panels, investors want to see energy production estimates as close to reality as possible. This is how you can see the real value of the investment.